Agenda - 11-22-1999 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-22-1999
Agenda - 11-22-1999 - 1
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Last modified
9/23/2008 11:29:45 AM
Creation date
9/23/2008 11:29:42 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19991122
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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3 <br />ADD a new zoning district to Article 3 of the • Development Ordinance, called "Materials <br />Dandling District," with the following description: "The Materials Handling. District is intended <br />to provide for public operation of a Solid Waste Management Facility." <br />AMEND Article 12 and 13 of the Chapel Hill Development Ordinance to descn'be the standards <br />and uses that define tlu "Materials Handling District" as identical to the Rural Tntnsition <br />District, except that a °Solid Waste Management Facility" shall be designated a "permitted use" <br />in this new district. <br />AMEND Article 19 of the Chapel Hill Development Ordinance to include authority far review <br />and approval of a Solid Waste Management Facility by the Town Manager. <br />This approach would allow the Town and County, working together, to rezone a apccific parcel <br />of land for a specific purpose. It would involve a two-step press •before an application could be <br />filed: it would involve creating the new zoning district {Town), and then 'going though a Joint <br />Planning process to apply the new district to the Greene Tract (Town and County). Under <br />standard scheduling, the new zoning. district could be created by November 8. Then a lx oposal to <br />apply the new zone would be prepared, and considered at a Joint Public Hearing in April, 2000. <br />If both the Town and the County approve the rezoning (April ar May), an applicagon for Town <br />Manager approval of a Solid Waste Management Facility could be filed by the County. <br />KEY l[S5UES RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING <br />Two types of issues were raised at the Public Hearing. First, there were comments about this <br />proposed amendment to the Development Ordinance to create a new zoning district. Second, <br />there were comments about grange County's approach to solid waste management, along with <br />concerns for the neighborhoods surrounding the Greene tract. <br />With this memorandum we offer comments and responses on matters relating to the proposed <br />Development Ordinance Amendment, in our role as regulator. 'This discussion follows <br />immediately. We note that an accompanying memorandum describes the owner-related issues.. <br />The following Development Ordinance amendment issues. were raised at the. October 18 Public <br />Hearing: <br />1. A Council member asked about the ianaua¢e of the proposed definition that sans "but not. <br />•limi~ed to"? <br />Sta,,~`'Comment: The proposed definition of a Solid. Waste Management Facility states that such a <br />facility "shall include, but not be limited to, a solid waste transfer facility. and a materials <br />recovery facility." This language is consistent with other definitions in the Development <br />Ordinance, and reflects the fact that there may be uses not anticipated .now that would relate to <br />and be consistent with the intended use. We understand that in the context of this particular • <br />proposed ordinance amendment, where them is concern about being sure to prohibit certain uses, <br />
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