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~3 <br />2 <br />The new agreement further states that: <br />"Chapel Bill agrees to commence, and states its current intent to complete, the process to <br />make solid waste management uses not including burial of mixed solid waste or <br />construction and demolition waste, but expressly including, but not limited to, a solid waste. <br />transfer facility and a materials recovery facility, uses of the Exhibit E property "permitted" <br />uses under the Chapel Hill Development CodelCkdinance, subject only to staff level site <br />plea and similaz reviews and not subject to special use or similar processes. Chapel Hill <br />agrees to provide the ether Parties with a plan, including a planned schedule of reviews and <br />approvals, to process the zoning change described in this paragraph" <br />AII~IENDMENT T4 THE DEVELOFMENT ORDINANCE <br />The proposal would amend the Development Ordinance to aacamplish four things: <br />1.' Define "Solid Waste Management Facility" (Article Z). <br />2. Create a new zoning district called "Materials Handling District" (Article 3). • <br />3. Designate a "Solid Waste Management Facility"• as a pernutted use in the new zone <br />(Articles 12 and 13). ' <br />4. Specify that, in this zone, the Town Manager lies authority to review and approve plans <br />for a Solid Waste Management Facility (Article 19). <br />We note that the property that is the subject of this initiative, the CYreene Tract, is located outside <br />of Chapel Hill's. corporate limits, in the Joint Planning Transition Area. Once a new zoning <br />district is created by the Chapel Hill Town Council (by amending the text of the Development <br />Ordinances rezoning of land to the new district would need to go through a separate process that <br />involves a Joint Public Hearing with the Orange County Commissioners. Following such a <br />hearing, both the Chapel Hill Town Council and the Orange County Board of Commissioners, in <br />separate actions, would need to consider the rezoning proposal. If the property is re~.oned, an <br />application for a Solid Waste Management Facility could be received. and acted upon by the <br />Chapel Hill Town Manager. <br />Following is the language that would effect these changes to -the Chapel Hill Development <br />Ordinance. Adoption of the attached Ordinance A would accomplish this: <br />A-DD a new defuution to Article 2 of the Chapel .Bill Development Ordinance to read as follows: <br />Solid Waste Manauement Facility: ~ Solid Waste Management Facility shall bs operated <br />by or on behalf of a govertunental agency and shall include, but not •be limited tq a solid <br />waste transfer facility and a materials recovery facility. A solid waste management <br />facility shall not include the burial of arty waste material <br />