Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />AGENDA #7b <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Mayor and Town Council <br />FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager <br />SUBJECT: Development Ordinance Text Amendment - Solid'Waste Management Facility <br />DATE: November 8,1999 <br />INTRODUCTION <br />The attached Ordinance would approve a Development Ordinance text amaadment which would <br />add a definition for a new land use called a Solid Waste Management Facility, create a new <br />zoning district, and amend the provisions of the Ordinance regarding the location and process for <br />approval of such a facility- . <br />BACKGROUND <br />A Public Hearing was held on this proposal an October 18,1999. <br />This text amendment is related to the tr`rwsfer of responsibility and ownership of the Greene Tract_ <br />described in the recently exxuted lnterlocal Agreement. The Interlocal Agreement destxrbes the <br />transfer of responsibility for and ownership of solid waste management functions to Orange <br />County. The Grcene Tract is a 169 acre landfill asset, Final negotiations eomciuded that the Greene <br />Tract will be dividod into two parnels. A sixty acre parcel is to be deeded to Orange County, ailcr <br />execution of the new IaterIoeal Agreement. The remaining approximate 109 acres is to be <br />maintained under joint ownership until its future status is resolved. A map was attached to the <br />October 18,1999 item, showing the Greene Tract and its surrounding area. <br />The Interlocal Agreement provides that the County may use the Groyne Tisct property for solid <br />waste management purposes, including location of solid waste management facilities. Included in <br />the proposed defintion of solid waste management facilities are transfer stations and materials <br />recovery facilities (MRF). A transfer station is a facility that receives local waste and then <br />tratrsports the waste to a distant disposal facility. A materials recovery facility r'eceivcs reeyclables <br />collected through .local recycling programs and prepares them for marketing. <br />The tenxrs of the pew agrccrnerrt indicate that: <br />"The County states its current intention not to bury mixed solid waste or con$truction sad <br />demolition waste oq any portion of the Greene Tract. The County states its <br />recommendation to future County Governing Boards that the County make no such bu~riaL" . <br />Pmt-!t" Fax Note 7671 ~ ( - <br />~ t5~s2r ~" S~(1 <br />c:oJDept.~ Co. ~' <br />~,.* -tea ~ t~3 ~'-t <br />_ ~« b <br />~a <br />