Agenda - 11-22-1999 - 6
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-22-1999
Agenda - 11-22-1999 - 6
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Last modified
9/22/2008 2:43:37 PM
Creation date
9/22/2008 2:43:36 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19991122
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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3 <br />positions was completed by a consultant in 1990-91. It covered about 470 positions and <br />the consultant cost was about $30,000. <br />Since the .last position classification and pay study, staff has been maintaining the <br />classification and pay plan with in house studies. To date staff has completed classification <br />and/or pay reviews of over 420 positions (both new -about 170 positions -and existing - <br />about 250 positions) and the Board has approved about 50 amendments to the <br />classification .and pay plan. Staff has completed studies as .requested by departments <br />when the duties of positions change and/or labor market issues are identified. As time has <br />been available, staff have initiated several studies. <br />Currently the County has about 680. positions. In terms of estimated cost if the County <br />contracted out a classification and pay study of all positions, Chapel Hill recently requested <br />proposals for such a project involving 625 positions, received quotes ranging from about <br />$50,000 to $125,000 and contracted for the study at the $50,000 cost.. The City of Rocky <br />Mount recently contracted for a classification and pay study of 850 positions at cost of <br />about $50,000. A study of county positions would probably be quoted at a higher rate <br />because county government has fewer situations where there are large groups of positions <br />pertorming similar duties than city government has. <br />Given the Personnel workload, it is not possible to complete a classification and pay study <br />of all positions at the same time with the resources available in house. Personnel can <br />continue as it has in the past to address classification and pay needs through individual and <br />group studies. <br />It is good practice for the County to periodically complete a comprehensive review of <br />classification and pay for all positions. This provides the opportunity. to reassess internal <br />salary relationships among all positions and to re-establish the County's position in the <br />labor market in relation to comparable employers. <br />Space Study <br />In the October 13 work session, the Board discussed the planned space study and <br />expressed its interest in pursuing this as a priority. The Space Study Task Force has met <br />and is formulating a study plan that will be brought forward to the Board for discussion at an <br />upcoming meeting. <br />Financial Impact: None for the elements listed under Elements To Be Addressed. <br />Recommendation: The Manager recommends the Board receive the follow up report and <br />confirm the direction outlined or provide direction to staff on the elements staff is to address. <br />H:\e\dhequ1.doc <br />November 2, 1999 <br />
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