Agenda - 12-07-1999 - 9h
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-07-1999
Agenda - 12-07-1999 - 9h
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/18/2013 2:31:01 PM
Creation date
9/22/2008 12:43:28 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
Minutes - 19991207
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
RES-1999-084 Resolution approving the Orange County Appointment and Orientation Process for Boards and Commissions
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1999
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TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL Fax:919 -%7 -8406 Nov 23 1999 11:29 P.02 6 <br />ETHiCs GUIDELINES FOR TOWN ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />(Please check if you agree.) <br />Yes, if appointed, I pledge to comply with the following ethics guidelines for advisory boards and <br />commissions as adopted by the Chapel Hill Town Council. (Other Council committees and OWASA are excluded.) <br />Members of advisory boards and commissions shall not discuss, advocate, or vote on any matter in which they have <br />a conflict of interest or an interest which reasonably might appear to be in conflict with the concept of fairness in <br />dealing with public business. A conflict of interest or a potential conflict occurs if a member has a separate, private, <br />or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in any issue or transaction under consideration. Any member who <br />violates this provision may be subject to removal from the board or commission. <br />If the advisory board or commission member believes he/she has a conflict of interest then that member should ask <br />the advisory board or commission to be recused from voting. The advisory board or commission should then vote on <br />the question on whether or not to excuse the member making the request. In cases where the individual member or <br />the advisory board or commission establishes a conflict of interest, then the advisory board or commission member <br />shall remove themselves from the voting area. <br />Any advisory board or commission member may seek the counsel of the Town Attorney on questions regarding the <br />interpretation of these ethics guidelines or other conflict of interest matters. The interpretation may include a <br />recommendation on whether or not the advisory board or commission member should excuse himself/herself from <br />voting. The advisory board-or commission member may request the Town Attorney respond in writing. <br />Please provide a brief statement outlining why you wish to serve on the Advisory Boards, Commissions, or <br />Committees you have indicated_ <br />Applicant's Signature Required Date <br />Please return fort to: <br />Town Clerk's Office, 306 N. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />or FAX 919 - 967 -8406 <br />
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