Orange County NC Website
1 <br />3 <br />2 3. Appointments for joint planning area and extraterritorial residents as members <br />3 and alternate members to city boards shall be done in accordance with the General Statues <br />4 (G.S. 160A -362) and. !2y Chapter 234 of the 1987 session laws. G.S. 160A -360.1 which require a <br />5 city to give representation to the residents of its extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction on its <br />6 Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment. When a vacancy exists, the municipality will be <br />7 requested to provide to the Board of County Commissioners a resolution with a <br />s recommendation for that vacancy. The Board of County Commissioners may solicit other <br />9 applications for said vacancy if they so desire. If the Board of County Commissioners does <br />10 not make the appointment within 90 days after receiving a recommendation from the City <br />11 Council requesting such action, the City Council may appoint outside members in accordance <br />12 with G.S. 160A -362. <br />13 <br />14 4. Appointments will be made at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. <br />15 The regular expiration of terns for positions on boards and commissions will be March, <br />16 June, September and December. When the appointments are presented to the County <br />17 Commissioners for their consideration, a list of all those who have applied and are eligible for <br />18 appointment will be included in the agenda. If someone is recommended for appointment, the <br />19 abstract will indicate that a recommendation has been received, giving the source. The <br />20 recommendation will be kept on file in the Clerk's office. The attendance records, including <br />21 late arrivals, for all members seeking reappointment will be included with the <br />22 recommendation. <br />23 <br />24 5. No citizen of Orange County shall serve in more than two appointed positions of <br />25 Orange County Government unless exempted by the nature of the position he or she may hold <br />26 in governmental service. This policy shall not apply to individuals who serve on boards or <br />27 commissions because of their official position. It also does not apply to volunteers serving <br />28 because of a requirement that a particular type of professional individual be represented if <br />29 recruitment efforts have failed to locate other qualified persons. This policy shall not apply to <br />30 citizen service on one short-term task force (making a total of three appointments) if the <br />31 duration of service is less than one year. A "Task Force" is defined as a group with a specific <br />32 charge and a short duration for its work. This policy shall not apply to any Orange County <br />33 Commissioner who serves on any board as an appointee or a liaison to a board because <br />34 he /she is a County Commissioner. <br />35 <br />36 6. For boards /commissions which are not state mandated, the Board's policy is to <br />37 limit the length of service to two -three year terms (or any combination of full terms totaling six <br />38 years) on the various boards and commissions. This time period does not include state <br />39 mandated training programs or partial terms. If the unexpired term is greate r than two years it <br />40 may be considered a full term. This will allow for more individuals to serve and for diversity <br />41 of opinions. It will also provide for conformity in the length and number of terms for those <br />42 boards and commissions that are not state mandated with set terms. The Board will limit the <br />43 length of service according to this policy for boards and commissions that are State <br />C: \windows \temp \RESOLUT3.DOC 3 <br />