Orange County NC Website
20 <br />NCDOT REVIEW NOTES FOR DHR <br />Otd Meredith Place formerlly Berry's Grove Park) on NC 157NearSR 1523 <br />7 September 1999 <br />CONIlVIENTS & REQUIREMENTS: <br />1. Prior to construction of -any new access or alteration of any existing access within the right of way, the <br />developer/owner is required to secure a permit with this office. It is the responsibility of the <br />owner/developer to obtain a permit. <br />2. NCDOT will require a 650' sight Distance along the inside curve of NC 157. The revised plans reflect <br />this requirement; however, they are showing a Type A landscape buffer in front of the easement. The <br />buffer needs to relocated behind the easement so two do not conflict. If the county requires all of their <br />buffer along the right of way then the owner/developer may need to dedicate the proposed easement as <br />additional right of way. <br />3. NCDOT will require the owner/developer to dedicate additional right of way at the intersection of <br />SR 1523 and NC 157. The additional right of way is needed for intersection improvements. <br />4. The owner/developer should dedicate 10' x 70' Sight Triangles at each proposed. intersection. Please <br />refer to the attached figure regarding the minimum design. <br />5. We are concerned with the proposed future stub outs between lots 54 8c 55 and Lots 12 & 13. In the <br />past, these types of stub outs have been plagued with problems. Some of the problems included but <br />not limited to poor connections between phases, inadequate right of way or construction easements, <br />and ultimately designs that do not meet Minimum State guidelines for subdivision roads. <br />This office would recommend the proposed roadways be extended to the property lines to avoid the <br />stub outs or have roadways at Teat designed and approved as part of the subdivision approval. By <br />reviewing the proposed design, we can check all design standazds and construction needs to insure the <br />future roadway will be acceptable. <br />6. The proposed cul-de-sac around lots 19, 28, 29 and 30 is unacceptable. The cul-de-sac is functioning <br />as a bulb and should be eliminated. <br />7. We are concerned about the reverse curve between lots 7 & 17. The attached plans do not provide <br />enough detail to review the design; therefore, we will need to review this section of roadway again <br />before any final plans are approved. The owner/developer. should provide a minimum centerline <br />radius between 230' for local roads and 310' for collectors. <br />8. Prior to any construction, the owner-~laveloper will need to submit their final plans for review. The <br />final plans should include the horizontal and_ vertical alignment information, a typical. section, drainage <br />facilities, vicinity map, and the number of lots with the proposed driveway location. <br />9. The owner/developer should be awaze of General Statute 136-102.2, in which new roads are not <br />eligible for the State Maintenance system unless certain requirements are met. An explanation of these <br />requirements can be found on pages 13, 14 and 15 of the current (January 1999) NCDOT <br />Subdivision Roads Manual. Particular attention should be placed on items 2 (petition for addition), 5 <br />and 7 (occupied housing requirement), 11, 12, and 13. <br />