Orange County NC Website
19 <br />3 J <br />~~ <br />.4 CUw ~~ <br />STATE DF NORTH CAROLINA <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br />JAMES B. Huiv~r jR.. <br />GOVERNOR <br />9 September 1999 <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />David McCoy <br />SECRETARY <br />Robert Davis <br />Orange County Planning Department <br />306F Revere Road <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />919 732 8181 Ext. 2595. <br />Subject: Proposed Old Meredith Place (formerlly Berry's Grove Park) on NC 157 Near SR 1523 <br />Dear Mr. Davis: <br />Per your request, a review of the above mentioned subject has been completed by the NCDOT <br />Graham District. Attached for yc~~::; files are a copy of the revised plans and a list of our <br />comments and recommendations for the subject. We respectfully request that you provide a <br />copy of this letter and any necessary -~ferenced documents to the owner/developer so they may <br />be fully informed, <br />If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mr. Michael Venable, Assistant District <br />Engineer, at (336) 570-6833. <br />Yours very truly, <br />~-' J ~ <br />Tommy J. Dy r, P.E. <br />DISTRICT EN INFER <br />Attachment <br />TJD/MSV/msv <br />P. O. Boy: 766 Graham NC 27253-0766 <br />