Orange County NC Website
17 <br />Allison asked about the driveway for lot 34. Davis~responded that lot 34 would have to access <br />Lick Creek Road. <br />Katz asked if there have been any assessments estimating ground water. Benedict responded that <br />the Environmental Health Department has not put any restrictions on this development based on <br />water capacity. <br />Barrows noted that the access is too close to the curve and since there have been a.number of <br />accidents there she would recommend a turn lane. Lincoln noted that the Board could make this a <br />condition of approval. <br />MOTION: Strayhorn moved to approve the preliminary plan for Old Meredith Place per the <br />Resolution of Approval and adding the condition that the developer shall <br />construct a southbound center turn lane. Seconded by Selkirk. <br />VOTE: 5 in favor (Strayhorn, Selkirk, Allison, Barrows, McAdams) <br />1 opposed (Katz) <br />Katz noted that he was in opposition because he feels that a lot of small houses that cannot be <br />developed because the sewer and water on the sites are very restricted and there will be problems <br />if there are septic failures. <br />AGENDA ITEM #11: PLANNING BOARD ITEMS , <br />AGENDA ITEM #12: INFORMATIONAL ITEMS <br />a. Monthly Reports <br />b. Planning Calendar <br />AGENDA ITEM #13: ADJOURNMENT <br />Meeting adjourned 11:25 p.m. <br />Prepared By <br />Approved By <br />Date <br />