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16 <br />E. Parkland <br />1. The payment in-lieu-of parkland dedication fee shall be paid prior Planning <br />Department signatures on the Final Plat. The fee is $455 per recorded lot. <br />F. Miscellaneous <br />1. The Final Plat shall contain a title block and vicinity map iri accordance with <br />Section V-D-2 and V-D-3 of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations. <br />2. The following easements shill be shown on the plat: <br />a. drainage easements as required by D.4 above. <br />3. The minimum building setback requirements and impervious surface maximums <br />shall be stated on the Final Plat, and in a document describing development <br />restrictions and requirements to be prepared by Planning Staff and recorded <br />concurrently with the Final Plat. <br />G. Certifications <br />A Certificate of Survey and Accuracy signed by a Professional Land Surveyor <br />shall be notarized on the face of the Final Plat. <br />2. A Certificate of Dedication and Maintenance in the form provided in Section <br />V-D-6-b of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations signed by the landowner <br />and developer shall be on the face of the plat and included in a document <br />describing development restrictions to be recorded concurrently with the Final <br />Plat. <br />3. The Division of Environmental Health shall certify that each lot contains a <br />suitable area for septic disposal. <br />4. A Certificate of Approval signed by the Orange County Planning and Inspections <br />Department. <br />5. NCDOT shall certify that Morrell Street, Meredith Drive, Pool Street, Wiley <br />Road, Lick Creek Road and Macon Lane have been constructed or that <br />construction plans have been approved. <br />Barrows asked if lot 4 could be reduced so that the road could come through that lot and avoid the <br />stream buffer. Davis responded that the constraint is not the lot, but a triangular piece of land that <br />belongs to a Ms. Parker that comes across the road and she has not been cooperative up until this <br />point. He stated that if the 50 feet is dedicated from the centerline, the right-of--way will come <br />back and there is a good chance that the road will be out of the stream buffer by the time it gets to <br />the property. <br />Barrows asked if site number 31 will be buildable after the site distance easement. Yuhasz <br />responded that this site could be used for installation of a septic system. <br />Carl Crabtree expressed concern with the traffic and safety issues. He also expressed concern <br />with the size of area that will be used for the septic systems. He noted that some septic systems <br />in the area have failed in the past. He also stated that the number of wells that are proposed will <br />probably affect some of the existing wells. <br />