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15 <br />9. Extend either Lick Creek Road or Wiley Road (developer's choice) to the <br />northern property line. Provide a temporary turn around until such time as the <br />road is extended. Indicate on fmal plat "Subject to future extension". <br />10. Extend either Meredith Drive or Morrell Street (developer's choice) to the <br />western property line. Provide a temporary turn around until such time as the <br />road is extended. Indicate on the final plat "Subject to future extension".. <br />11. Dedicate to NCDOT additional right-of--way along the entire frontage of both <br />sides of NC 157 to obtain a 100-foot cross-section. For property that fronts on <br />only one side NC 157, dedicate fifty (50) feet from centerline of existing right-of- <br />way. Property lines to stop at the right-of-way line of all streets. <br />C. -Land Use Buffers and Landscaping <br />1. Landscaping shall be preserved as indicated on the approved landscape plan, and <br />must be inspected and approved by the Planning and Inspections Department <br />prior to Planning Department signatures on the final plat. Landscaping shall be <br />placed behind the sight distance triangles at intersections. <br />2. Provisions for protection of existing trees as shown on the approved landscape <br />plan shall be included in a document describing development restrictions and <br />requirements to be prepared by Planning Staff and recorded concurrently with the <br />Final Plat. <br />3. A Type A Land Use Buffer shall be provided along the eastern side of NC 157 <br />and along the western side of NC 157 exclusive of the area designated as sight <br />distance easement. The buffer shall be 30 feet in width as shown on the <br />Preliminary Plan and shall provide sufficient vegetation to meet the standards of <br />Section TV-B-8-e of the Subdivision Regulations. Said buffer shall be so noted <br />on the fmal plat, and described in a document describing development. <br />restrictions and requirements to be prepared by Planning Staff and recorded <br />concurrently with the Final Plat. <br />D. Drainage <br />1. The floodway and floodway fringe of the USGA intermittent stream shall be <br />noted on the face of the Final Plat. Development restrictions within the <br />floodplain shall be specified on a document describing development restrictions <br />and requirements to be prepared by Planning Staff and recorded concurrently <br />with the Final Plat. - <br />2. Impervious surface data, as pursuant to Article 6.23.3c.1 of the Zoning <br />Ordinance shall be included in a document describing development restrictions <br />and requirements to be prepared by Planning Staff and recorded concurrently <br />with the Final Plat. <br />3. A stream buffer shall be provided in accordance with Section 6.32.7 of the <br />Zoning Ordinance. 'The, width of the buffer shall be stated on the face of plat. <br />Development restrictions within the buffer shall be specified in a document <br />describing development restrictions and requirements to be prepared by Planning <br />Staff and recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. <br />4. Locate drainage easements as required following review and approval of the <br />Erosion Control Plan. <br />