Orange County NC Website
IV. Community Sponsorship/ Support (10 points) <br />The degree to which the sponsoring organization demonstrates plans for strong <br />community participation throughout the development of a project. <br />➢ If the applicant coordinated its application with other organizations to compliment <br />and /or support the proposed project, 4 points will be awarded. <br />➢ If the applicant involved the intended beneficiaries of the project in the development <br />of the application, 2 points will be awarded. <br />➢ If the applicant demonstrates that it has been actively involved, or if not currently <br />active, the steps it will take to become actively involved in the Community's <br />Consolidated Planning process to identify and address a housing need / problem <br />that is related in whole or part, directly or indirectly to the proposed project, 2 points <br />will be awarded. <br />➢ If the applicant developed or plans to develop linkages with other activities, <br />programs or projects related to the proposed project (i.e. support services) to <br />coordinate its activities so solutions are holistic and comprehensive, 2 points will be <br />awarded. <br />➢ (BONUS) If the applicant will involve persons with disabilities in the development <br />and operation of the project, 2 points will be awarded. <br />V. Project Feasibility (15 points) <br />The degree to which the project has the following characteristics: cohesiveness; <br />timeliness with regard to construction scheduling; zoning requirements; innovation; and <br />completeness of the proposal submitted for review. <br />➢ Minimum requirements include site control and a complete application. <br />➢ If everything is in place (commitment letter, proper zoning, site control, complete <br />project proposal, the full 15 points will be awarded. <br />➢ If all funding is in place, 10 points will be awarded. <br />If proper zoning is in place, 5 points will be awarded. <br />➢ (BONUS) If the applicant has contractor commitments and necessary building <br />permits, 5 bonus points, will be awarded. <br />