Orange County NC Website
19 <br />Housing Bond Project Summary <br />Applicant: <br />Orange Community Housing Corporation <br />Project Title: <br />Orange County Urgent Repair Program <br />Request for Bond Funds: <br />$100,000 <br />Total Project Costs: <br />$268,700 <br />Bond Fund Leverage: <br />37% bond funds; 63% other funding sources <br />Project Description: <br />Orange Community Housing Corporation (OCHC) requests a grant in the amount of <br />$100,000 to provide support to their existing Urgent Repair Program (URP) during the next three <br />years. Bond funds would be used for hard costs including materials and labor; and project <br />management and administration costs. <br />Target Population/Projected Outcome: <br />30 owner- occupied houses would be repaired under this program. The owner occupants <br />would have incomes at or below 50% of area median income. <br />25% of the funds would be targeted to the incorporated areas of Carrboro and Chapel <br />Hill; the remaining 75% would be targeted to the remaining areas of the County. <br />Project Schedule <br />Project Completion - June 2001 <br />Long Term Affordability Vehicle <br />No statement was provided by the applicant. <br />