Agenda - 09-22-2008 - 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-22-2008
Agenda - 09-22-2008 - 3
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Last modified
9/19/2008 3:40:55 PM
Creation date
9/19/2008 3:40:52 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20080922
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3 <br />$50,000. An employee also has the option to purchase additional coverage. Effective January <br />2008, Metl_ife became the carrier for athree-year contract. The Plan design for 2009 has no <br />changes. The County pays 22.5 cents for every thousand dollars of coverage per month for life <br />and accidental death and dismemberment insurance. <br />Dental Insurance <br />The County provides aself-insured dental plan with Delta Dental of N.C. serving as the third <br />party administrator. Premiums earned in FY 07-08 were $443,500 and claims and fees paid <br />were $368,800. The dental plan's fund balance at the end of FY 2007-08 was in excess of <br />$300,000. There is no increase in Delta Dental's administrative fee of $2.00 per member per <br />month. <br />All claims are paid based on a Table of Allowances (TOA) which Orange County establishes. <br />Although the County reimburses preventive services at 100% of the TOA, the current Table has <br />lagged behind standard rates of reimbursement, causing employees to pay an increasing <br />amount for services. This has reduced the value of the benefit and only a third of employees <br />are taking advantage of the preventive and diagnostic care. <br />Staff reviewed the TOA and identified the most common preventive and diagnostic services that <br />could be reimbursed at the Maximum Payable Amount (MPA). Attachment 3 provides a <br />comparison of the current and proposed TOA. Based on experience, this change will increase <br />the County's claims by approximately $48,000 annually and can be absorbed by the current <br />funding over the next several years. Attachment 4 is a projection showing that the Dental Fund <br />will continue to be adequately funded over five years. Staff will continue to regularly monitor the <br />dental fund. <br />Flexible Compensation Plan <br />The County provides a Section 125 Flexible Compensation Plan administered by Tucker <br />Administrators. This Plan consists of a tax sheltering of health and dental premiums and two <br />Flexible Spending Accounts (a medical spending account and dependent/child care spending <br />account). These accounts enable employees to save money and increase their take home <br />pay by eliminating income taxes and Social Security taxes on contributions employees make to <br />the Spending Accounts. It also allows the County to reduce payroll taxes on employee <br />contributions. Employees affect these reductions in taxes by setting aside a specific amount of <br />funds into a spending account that are used for health related and/or dependent care expenses, <br />resulting in a tax savings for both the employee and the County. <br />The maximum contribution employees may currently make to the Medical Spending Account is <br />$2,600 each benefit year. Federal regulations allow employees to contribute $3,000. <br />Maximizing the amount of potential contributions allows employees and the County to take full <br />advantage of all possible tax savings. The County maximum allowable contribution to the <br />Dependent/Child Care Spending Account is already at the Federal maximum of $5,000 per <br />year. <br />An enhancement to the 2009 Plan incorporates a new debit card feature which enables <br />employees to pay for expenses at time of service with the funds from their accounts. This <br />enhancement will increase employee participation in the Flexible Compensation Plan. <br />
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