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<br />Subsections XI(Kl and XI(Ll become effective. March 1.2009 and apply to acts <br />ommitted on or after that date Anv person who violates either of these subsections after <br />March 1.2009 and prior to September I. 2009. shall be issued a written warnine Divine <br />the violator 30 days to come into compliance with the ordinance. Anv person who <br />violates subsection XI(Kl and XI(Ll after September 1.2009, or any violator who fails to <br />omply with the ordinance after the expiration of 30 day followine such per ons receipt <br />of a warning specified in the precedine sentence. is subiect to one or more of the <br />Penalties established in Section XXI of this ordinance Anv doe that i kept in violation <br />of subsections XI(Kl and XI(Ll of this ordinance may be seized and subsequently <br />impounded in accordance with Section XIII of thi ordinance until such a time a the <br />Animal Control Director is reasonably assured that the doa will not be subiect to restraint <br />in violation of this ordinance The Animal ontrol Director hall post a notice at the <br />lace of the illegal restraint. or at such other location. that is designed to reasonably <br />apprise the Owner or Keeper of the doa the place. date. and time the dog was seized <br />along with the location where the dog was taken. Such notice shall clearly state that the <br />doe may be returned to the Owner or Keeper upon providing reasonable assurances to t__h_e_ <br />Animal Control Director that the doa will not be subiect to restraint in violation of this <br />ordinance. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner ,seconded by <br />Commissioner ,the foregoing Animal. Control <br />Ordinance amendments were adopted this the day of <br />2008 and shall become effective as of the day of , 200_. <br />Donna Baker, Clerk, Orange County Commissioners <br />