Agenda - 09-22-2008 - 2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-22-2008
Agenda - 09-22-2008 - 2
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Last modified
9/19/2008 3:35:30 PM
Creation date
9/19/2008 3:35:26 PM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20080922
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~~ <br />that he trains over 60 dogs a year, and he travels the nation infield trials. He has a dog <br />coming in tomorrow that is 75 pounds and is a biter. The first thing he will do with this <br />dog is put him on a tether. He said that his dogs are happy on tethers. He agrees that <br />everything has to be done right. He said that every dog is different and tethering is a <br />great thing for a dog. He urged the County Commissioners to vote against this. He said <br />that it would solve no problems and there is no way that it could be enforced. <br />Loren Hart said that he is in support of the dog ordinance. He said that dogs and <br />other animals are individual beings, can feel pleasure, pain, fear, and loneliness. For <br />these reasons, he believes that tethering dogs for prolonged periods is a form of abuse <br />that should be stopped. It is a different kind of abuse than kicking a dog, but it is a form <br />of neglect. He thinks that the current ordinance should be amended to mandate a higher <br />level of care owed to the dogs by their human guardians. He said that he is a resident of <br />Orange County and he works at UNC. He made reference to his uncle who died <br />recently, and said that, in addition to being a veteran of the U. S. Navy, he was also an <br />avid duck hunter, a charter member of the Migratory Waterfowl Hunters and Ducks <br />Unlimited. He remembers fondly fishing with his uncle, but he never hunted with him. <br />He said that he used to eat fish, deer, and other animals, but he does not anymore <br />because he thinks that it is wrong to do so. He still respects his uncle and everyone in <br />this room, but he disagrees with animal exploitation. For the past five years he has <br />chosen a vegetarian diet because of the interests of animals. He thinks that this mindset <br />would be helpful in looking at this ordinance. He made reference to the comments about <br />tyranny and said that we all have rights and we all want to be free, but there is not <br />unlimited freedom. The freedom ends somewhere. He said that animals have interests <br />and it is not just about humans. <br />Kevin Young is a dog owner and breeder and he asked the Board of County <br />Commissioners to use common sense. He asked the County Commissioners to look at <br />the safety issue. He asked where the supervision was of the children who were killed by <br />dogs. He made reference to the breeding that happens and said that the leash laws <br />need to be enforced. Regarding cleanliness, when it rains with a dog in a pen, it causes <br />a multitude of problems. He said that this is not seen with a dog on a tether. He <br />suggested using a body harness to tether a dog so that there would not be embedding of <br />collars. If the dogs were taken care of, then there would not be a problem of embedded <br />collars. He said that education is very important. <br />Diane Genteel said that she spoke before. She said that the issues of <br />aggression, socialization, pet overpopulation, etc. will not be remedied by this law and it <br />is a question of education. Tethering is not the culprit; it's the inappropriate use of <br />tethering. She said that a dog on a ten-foot chain has more liberty than it would have in <br />a ten-foot pen. <br />Michael Kirk made reference to one of the committee members who is the North <br />Carolina Director of In Defense of Animals, and said that he is afraid of what will be next <br />with the tethering campaign. He is worried that if this gets passed, what will be next - <br />mandatory spay/neuter all dogs, taxes going through the roof, etc. He thinks that this is <br />a slippery slope. <br />Fred Stipe was bom and raised in Orange County and he is the owner of the <br />number one ranked male American Fox Hound in the nation. His dog competes in AKC <br />and USDA-sanctioned agility trials. He is also the owner of one of the greatest <br />obedience trained beagles in the state. He said that this proposed amendment is not the <br />panacea that everyone would like to see. He believes that the County would be far <br />better served by increasing the resources available for Animal Control to more <br />vigorously enforce the existing abuse and neglect statutes. He said that passage of this <br />31 <br />
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