Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />Loren Hart is a UNC Alum and a resident of Orange County. He is here as an <br />advocate for all animals, human and otherwise. He said that animals can feel pleasure, <br />pain, fear, and loneliness. He suggested that if the County Commissioners pass this <br />ordinance, then they will help to create a kinder and gentler world, a world that is more <br />just, more peaceful and more loving. He said that chaining dogs for long periods is a <br />form of abuse and should be stopped. He suggested that humans should not exploit <br />animals for any reason. <br />Joseph Clees is a representative of the N.C. Sporting Dogs. He represents 12 <br />different counties. He said that this is a very controversial issue. He said that he has <br />watched Chair Jacobs, and he has talked with sensitivity and compassion. He <br />complimented Chair Jacobs on this. He said that he can see some fundamental flaws <br />that there are segments of the population that feel that they have not had an adequate <br />public process. He said that there are members on both sides of the issue that feel fear <br />and intimidation. He asked the County Commissioners to please not fall into an animal <br />rights agenda. He said that it is the responsibility of humans to protect these animals <br />and take care of them. He encourages the County Commissioners to have at least 3-4 <br />public hearings. <br />Suzanne Roy lives in Hillsborough and was on the Tethering Committee. She <br />said that the committee held two public hearings and invited members who are opposed <br />to this ordinance to come onto the committee, and she does not know of any <br />applications. She thinks that the committee has listened. She does not think that there <br />is any question that tethering dogs is inhumane. She read a quote from the Dog <br />Whisperer, °Chaining is a very dangerous and cruel practice. The more tightly a dog is <br />chained, the more pent up energy he will have. The more pent up energy, the more <br />aggression. A frustrated dog on a chain becomes a weapon and is nearly three times <br />more likely to attack or bite a person than a dog that is simply loose in the yard." She <br />believes that this ordinance has broad community support. <br />Chad Resnick said that one of the people that spoke said that dogs on chains <br />have a tendency to bite people. His response to that is to teach children not to go near <br />dogs that they do not know. His dog has a 45-foot lunge line with a 12-foot lead on it <br />and has a heated and air-conditioned dog house. He said that it would be infeasible for <br />his dog to be in a 12x12 fence and restrict his movement that .much, which is one of the <br />recommendations. <br />Tim Frazier is an officer of the Eno River Coon Club, but he is speaking for <br />himself. He said that he was told at the other public meetings that sporting dogs would <br />be exempt from the ordinance. He said that no one told him how to get on these <br />committees. He said that the sporting dog owners feel that they are being singled out. <br />He said that he has a dog that will dig out or climb out of a fence. He said that he did not <br />find anything out about this meeting until Saturday. He asked the County <br />Commissioners to really think about this before passing it. <br />Ellen Whitaker is with the Coalition to Unchain Dogs and she said that they build <br />fences that dogs cannot dig out of. She said that it is possible to keep a dog that digs in <br />a fence. She said that when the coalition is able to provide a fence, then the owner can <br />see that the dog now has a personality because it can run around and not be chained. <br />Diane Genteel said that she raises and shows rat terriers, and she does not <br />tether her dogs. She said that the problem is not the tethering, but the implementation of <br />tethering. She said that proper tethering socializes, cares for, and exercises animals <br />very well. She asked the County Commissioners to please consider tethering from a <br />different point of view. <br />Nancy Carson Eickert lives in Orange County and has participated with the <br />Coalition to Unchain Dogs. She affirmed everything that the representatives of the <br />18 <br />