Orange County NC Website
MOSES CAREY, JR., CHAIR ORANGE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />STEPHEN H. HAUdOT/S, V /CE CHAIR P.O. BOX <br />MARGARET W. BROWN <br />ALICE M. GORDON ,200 S. CAMERON STREET <br />BARRYJACOBS HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. 27278 <br />December 9, 1999 <br />The Honorable Rosemary Waldorf, Mayor <br />Town of Chapel Hill <br />306 N. Columbia St. <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />Dear Rosemary: <br />At the most recent work session of the County Commissioners on November 22, we <br />discussed some of the steps necessary to accomplish the planned transfer of solid waste <br />management responsibility from the Town to the County on March 20, 2000. Of particular <br />importance to our two boards is the completion of all steps that will lead to rezoning a portion <br />of the Greene Tract, as provided for in the solid waste management interlocal agreement, to <br />permit certain solid waste management facilities and activities. <br />We acknowledge the preference expressed by the Town Council in your November 18 letter <br />that sites other than the Greene Tract be considered for future solid waste activities. The <br />Board of Commissioners would likewise prefer not to use the Greene Tract for solid waste <br />activities. When the time comes for siting decisions, we will certainly consider all reasonable <br />alternatives. However, the interlocal agreement reflects the reality that the Board of <br />Commissioners' best choice may be to use a portion of the Greene Tract for solid waste <br />facilities essential to our collectively meeting our established solid waste reduction goals. <br />The County staff has attached a proposed timetable to review a zoning application for the <br />Greene Tract. With a March 20 handover as a planned deadline, the staff has worked <br />backwards through the zoning application process to establish other public meeting <br />requirements such as the joint planning area public hearing (JPAPH). Town and County <br />zoning processes are somewhat different, but they will of necessity intersect at the JPAPH, <br />which is proposed to take place on February 21, 2000. <br />At the request of the Board of Commissioners, the Solid Waste Department is collaborating <br />with the County's Environment and Resource Conservation Department to contract for <br />several surveys of the Greene Tract. These include biological resources, archeological, and <br />cultural surveys of the entire 169 -acre parcel that will help determine the most appropriate <br />60 -acre site for the eventual 'materials handling district'. The exact 60 -acre delineation of <br />the proposed zoning area will not be known until approximately March 1, 2000, so we <br />propose that during the first stages of review, including the February 21 JPA public hearing, <br />that the 169- acre area (less a portion that is explained below) be considered with a clear <br />statement that only 60 acres will be designated before final adoptions. We also propose that <br />this request for rezoning be given expedited review. <br />You Count In Orange County <br />(919) 245-2130 . FAX(919) 644 -0246 <br />