Orange County NC Website
8. While not adjacent to an urban area, the New Hope Church Road interchange should <br />be analyzed for the provision of signals as traffic volumes on I-A~0 increase. . <br />9. NCDOT has performed a preliminary assessment of noise impacts at certain locations <br />in Orange County.. A more thorough and faz-reaching analysis of such impacts and <br />provision of sound barriers in the affected azea is needed after the specific requests <br />made above are addressed.. <br />10. Increased traffic will result in additional exhaust emissions and have direct impacts <br />on air quality in southeastern Orange County. These impacts should receive serious <br />consideration including coordination. with the Orange County Commission for the <br />Environment. - <br />11.-From an engineering perspective, can you tell us how this six lane segment between <br />' eight lanes of I-85 to the west and eight lanes of I-40 to the east affects congestion <br />_ and impacts air quality? Also, how will HOV lanes beaccommodated in the six lane <br />.section and how will that affect tr~c engineering capacity`? . <br />12. Construction impacts including erosion and dust have implications for both water and <br />air quality and must be addressed early on; likewise, a plan to manage traffic during <br />construction is required. - ~ . <br />I shall look forward to your written response on the above items. Please call if you have <br />questions or need clarification. . <br />Sincerely, <br />' ~~ ~. <br />Alice M. Gordon, Chair <br />Board of County Commissioners ~~ <br />cc: Craig Benedict, Planning Director <br />Kazen Lincoln, Transportation Planner <br />