Orange County NC Website
acncEM. coRVOx, chwR ORANGE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />~aH ~ "~ P.O. Box 8 i 8 i <br />M~tR'GARETW. BROWN <br />^~~~ ~~ ~ 200 S. CAMERON STREET <br />6uRRr,.ucae~s <br />HILLSBOROUGH,. N.C. 27278 <br />November 16,1999 <br />Mr. Jeff Ingham, P.E. <br />Project Development Engineer <br />Project Development & Environmental analysis Branch <br />NCDOT, P.O. Box 25201 - <br />Raleigh, NC 27611 <br />SUBJECT: Statement of the Orange County Commissioners Relative to Project I-3306, <br />Widening I-40 to Six Lanes <br />Dear Mr. Ingham: <br />At their meeting on November 16,1999, the Orange County Commissioners listed the <br />following concerns for presentation at the "Citizens Informational Workshop" on I-40 <br />. widening to beheld on November 17 at Chapel Hill High School: <br />1. The Orange County Commissioners continue to request that this project be split into <br />two separate projects (one in Orange County and one in Durham .County) rather. than <br />two phases. <br />2. As a means of addressing increased. traffic volumes, and consistent with the County's <br />previous statements concerning I-40 widening, (an Orange County section and <br />Durham County section) the Commissioners believe that HOV lanes. are needed. <br />3. We request assurance in writing that this "workshop" is not the design public hearing. <br />Futhermore, we request notification in writing when the design public'hearing-is to be <br />held. <br />4. If the project as described changes, we request that Orange.County be notified in <br />'writing so that the County may participate in the modifications. <br />5. A new high school is to be conshvcted between New Grady Bmwn School Road (SR <br />1221) and I-40; we request that the Orange County Schools System be notified of the <br />proposed widening and that noise walls be constructed to shield the school. <br />6. The I-40/O1dNC 86 (SR 1009) interchange south of Hillsborough is the County's <br />primary Economic Development District. We request that noise walls be constructed <br />here and that measures be taken to reduce light pollution. Also, traffic signals are <br />needed at this interchange.. An intersection expansion to include additional right: and <br />left turn lanes will be required to access I-40. Pazk and ride lots are needed in this <br />area as well. <br />7. All along the I-40 corridor, we request that you take into account the Orange County <br />Land Use Plan and where we are likely to have future population concentrations. <br />You Count In Orange County <br />AREA CODE (919) 732-8181: 968-4501: 688-7331:227-2031: FAX (919) 644-0246 <br />Ext; 2130 <br />