Orange County NC Website
infrastructure improvements be made to the I-85/Buckhom Road Economic <br />Development District: <br />a) Erosion Control Measures - NCDOT currently has no plans for erosion control <br />measures after completion of construction for. project I-304: widening of I-85 <br />to eight lanes from NC 54 (in Alamance County) to Dimmocks Mill Road. <br />NCDOT has installed temporary erosion control measures according to <br />NCDOT standards. Orange Gounty requests that permanent erosion control <br />measures be included in the 2002 - 2008 TIP as a line item to ensure optimal <br />protection of the Sevenmile Creek watershed. The Upper Eno watershed, of <br />which Sevenmile Creek is asub-basin, has been designated a WS-II <br />watershed; thus the County is committed to protect the water quality by <br />working with NCDOT to implement the strongest protection measures <br />available. <br />b) Capacity Improvements -widen Buckhorn Road to 24 feet (two 12' travel <br />lanes) and improve the Intersection of Buckhorn Road and US 70 to include <br />tum lanes and improved turning radii. <br />c) Rail Road Crossing Improvements -Improve the Southern Railway / <br />Buckhom Road (SR 1114) railroad crossing. <br />2) Transit Improvements - It is increasingly .evident, through the .Triangle Fixed <br />Guideway Study and other research, that Orange Gounty should begin Transit <br />Planning to coordinate local transit planning with the Triangle Fixed Guideway <br />Study recommendations. In order to support transit in Orange County, the <br />following improvements have been requested: <br />a) Twenty Year Transit Development Plan for Orange County -Funding is <br />requested to develop a long range transit plan that would integrate local <br />transit systems with the planned long range transit improvements of the <br />Triangle Region (i.e., Triangle Transit Authority's Triangle Fixed Guideway <br />System) and the state (i.e., Governor Hunt's Transit 2001 Plan); <br />b) Park and Ride Lot in the Buckhom Economic Development District - Orange <br />County requests that a park and ride facility (from the adopted Orange <br />County Economic Development District Design Manual) be constructed as a <br />demonstration project .with Transit 2001 Funds. This project is clearly <br />justified as it meets the warrants for a park and ride .lot for two growing <br />regions in North Carolina, the Triad and Triangle. <br />3) Bicycle Improvements - As bicycle trafFc continues to grow in Orange County, we <br />continue to request the following improvements: <br />a) E-31306 Orange County Bicycle Route Map and Signs for Orancre County <br />Bicycle Routes -This project is requested to assist bicyclists in identifying the <br />routes described in the Orange County Bicycle Route Map and to assist <br />motorists in identifying those routes whereby "sharing the road" with bicyclists <br />will be necessary. <br />4 <br />