Agenda - 12-07-1999 - 8t
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-07-1999
Agenda - 12-07-1999 - 8t
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Last modified
9/18/2008 4:53:01 PM
Creation date
9/18/2008 4:52:58 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19991207
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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in the Orange County Bicycle Transportation Plan adopted April 6, 1999. Orange <br />County requests that bicycle lanes be constructed. <br />3) US 70 Bvaass Widening: from the intersection of US 70 Business to the US 70 -1-85 <br />Connector, widen US 70 Bypass to a four-lane divided section with bike and <br />pedestrian improvements. This project should be phased to address trafFc counts <br />and existing congestion. Orange County requests that this project be identified as a <br />need and included in the 2002-2008 STIP. <br />OTHER REQUESTS <br />1) I-3306 Section A: widening of I-40 to six lanes from I-85 in Orange County to NC <br />147 Buck Dean Freeway) in Dufiam County -Orange County requests that 1- <br />3306 Section A and I-3306 Section B be divided into two separate projects and <br />programmed separately in the TIP. <br />Project planning and design for this facility is in progress.. Orange County <br />requests that the development of the Major Investment Study and Environmental <br />Impact Statement for this project include insurance that the project will not have <br />detrimental land -use impacts to the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. <br />Orange County. is opposed to any widening of I-40 through Orange County . <br />unless there is a commitment by NCDOT to provide HOV and/or dedicated <br />bus lanes. <br />COMMENTS ON OTHER TIP PROJECTS INITIATED BY NC DOT <br />I) 1.305: widening of I-85 to six lanes and reconstruction of interchanges from I-40 <br />at Hillsborough to Durham County Line -Even though this project remains an <br />"UNFUNDED PROJECT', Orange Gounty requests that its staff be allowed to <br />partiapate in the planning of the facility. The Gounty is specifically interested in <br />the following .infrastructure improvements as they relate to the I-85/US 70 <br />Economic Development District: <br />a} Erosion Control Measures -Orange Gounty requests that permanent <br />erosion control measures be included in the project. <br />b} Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities -Orange County requests that its staff <br />beallowed to participate in the determination of where and what type of <br />facilities are to be included in this project. Among the features requested <br />for inclusion are sidewalks and bike lanes (see the Regional Bicycle Plan <br />for Durham and Orange Counties) and adequate guardrails on <br />overpasses. <br />c) Wildlife Corridor Under I-85 -Orange County requests that its staff be <br />allowed to participate during this part of the planning stage and that this <br />issue be brought to the attention of -the NGDOT .Staff Biologist. <br />Constructing this wildlife corridor is one of the .recommendations <br />presented in the "The New Hope Corridor Open Space Master Plan: <br />Proposals for Linking Duke Forest and Eno River State Rark." <br />2 <br />
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