Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PRIORITY LIST <br />FOR CONSIDERATION OF FUNDING IN <br />THE NORTH CAROLINA TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br />Orange County would like to give priority to identified safety needs on existing <br />roads and bridges and to other transportation projects which foster alternatives to <br />automobile travel. The County also endorses environmentally responsible <br />construction of all transportation projects. Finally, the County supports adequate <br />maintenance for existing transportation facilities. <br />Our transportation needs list is divided into two sections. The first section deals <br />with selected projects within the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro metropolitan <br />planning area. The second section deals with projects in the remaining portions <br />of Orange County which lie outside of the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />metropolitan planning area <br />ORANGE COUNTY PROJECTS WITHIN <br />THE DURHAM-CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO <br />METROPOLITAN PLANNING AREA <br />As a member of the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan .Planning <br />Organization, Orange County will continue to work with the Transportation <br />Advisory Committee (DCHC TAC) to develop a complete list of project priorities <br />for the portion of Orange County that lies inside the urbanized area boundary. <br />However, there are selected projects in Orange County, which we would like to <br />address now because they have been the subject of discussions between the <br />TAC and the Department of Transportation or because there are other special <br />concerns. <br />REQUESTED PROJECTS <br />I) U-2805: Homestead Road Widening -This project remains Orange County's top <br />.priority for new road projects requested from TIP funds: Orange County requests <br />the further advancement of Homestead Road in the TIP schedule for the. <br />following reasons: a) in the year 2000, the completed widening of Airport Road <br />will approximately double its capacity and provide increased access to the land <br />served by Homestead Road; and b) there will be a period of more than four years <br />between completion of improvements to Airport Road and construction of <br />improvements to Homestead Road, and during that time, accident exposure will <br />be increased because Homestead Road was not improved at the same time as <br />Airport Road. <br />2) NC 86. construct bicycle lanes: from Chapel Hill (Whitfield Road) to Hillsborough <br />(US 70). Scheduled improvements to Airport Road (NC86) in Chapel Hill will <br />extend bicycle facilities from UNC to Whitfield Road (SR 1731) in Orange <br />County. NC 86 from Chapel Hill to Hillsborough is experiencing. increasing <br />numbers of bicyclists using this route and there are also two new schools along <br />this route. This route is listed as priority I pf the primary bicycle routes proposed <br />