Orange County NC Website
• 1 Secretary %z Finance; 1/2 Auxiliary Services <br />We are also requesting half -time assistance for the Directors of Auxiliary Services <br />and Finance, two cabinet level positions in central office. <br />$ 32,388 <br />• One Associate Principal Middle School (10 months) <br />This was the top priority of our principals last year, as they wanted two associate <br />principals in each of our middle schools. We were able to fund one position this year, <br />and use a Principal Fellows Candidate in the other school. We are requesting that the <br />second associate principal be added. <br />$ 60,870 <br />• Two Technology Support Technicians <br />Technology is quickly becoming a powerful instructional tool. There is a need for <br />constant updating in programs and repair. Our building level technology teachers are <br />spending more and more time on the maintenance of the equipment, as opposed to <br />working with teachers and students. It is our hope that.these two technology <br />technicians, along with the one other person, will be able to eliminate some of the <br />mechanical demands for our building level teachers. <br />$ 95,818 <br />• 1 Resource Officer (OHS) <br />We have been able to provide School Resource Officers in our middle/high schools <br />with grants and some local funding. The high school has over 1600 students, and <br />there is clearly a need for more than one officer. These officers continue to be a <br />valuable asset to our schools. Unfortunately, with the events taking place around the <br />country, their presence has become even more needed as a preventive measure. <br />$ 34,000 <br />3 <br />