Orange County NC Website
• I School Base Chair <br />The demands for the Exceptional Children's Program are increasing each year. We <br />currently have classroom teachers performing their normal duties and facilitating the <br />]EP meetings for our students. It is extremely difficult to perform both tasks <br />successfully. We are requesting that a School Base Chairperson be assigned to each <br />middle school on a half time basis to facilitate IEP meetings and handle the massive <br />amount of paper work which are required by State/Federal laws. <br />$ 47,909 <br />• 1/2 AG Gifted Coordinator (OHS) <br />Our AG Plan also recommends additional services for the high school. This position <br />would address that need. <br />$ 23,955 <br />• 2 Reading Recovery Teachers <br />The Reading Recovery Program has proven to be very successful in all our <br />elementary schools. We would like to increase the number of students receiving these <br />services. We intend to use these two teachers in the schools with the' highest needs <br />for reading intervention. <br />$ 95,818 <br />• 1 Science Teacher (OHS) <br />The Science Department of all high schools has the largest number of End -Of- Course <br />tests. As students continue to take more and more of the core subjects to meet <br />graduation and college entrance requirements, it is imperative that we keep the <br />student/teacher ratio at a reasonable level. This position would allow us to maintain <br />our 1:25 teacher /student ratio at the high school. <br />$ 47,909 <br />• Increase Local Supplement (gross $263,017, benefits $48,606) <br />The recruitment, selection, development, and retention of quality teachers remain one <br />of the guiding'principles for our system. In order to attract, retain, and be competitive <br />with surrounding systems in an environment where teachers are becoming more and <br />more scarce each year, we feel it is absolutely necessary for us to increase our local <br />supplements. <br />$ 311,623 <br />2 <br />