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CHAPEL HILL - CARRBORO . CITY SCHOOLS <br />Lincoln Center, Merritt Mill Road <br />Chapel Hill, .North Carolina 27516 <br />Telephone: (919) 967 -8211 <br />Neil G. Pedersen Ann Hart, Assistant Superintendent <br />Superintendent For Instructional Services <br />Steve Scroggs, Interim Assistant Superintendent <br />For Support Services <br />TO: Board of Education <br />FROM: Neil G. Pederse <br />Superintendent <br />RE: Preliminary School Facilities Report <br />DATE: November 24, 1999 <br />Attached you will find a document called "Preliminary School Facilities Report." This <br />report represents an important first step in the process of developing a new Facilities Master <br />Plan for the school district. Preparation and adoption of such a plan is one of the Board's <br />objectives for the 1999 -2000 academic year. <br />The report pulls together different sets of population and student enrollment projections and <br />offers a "best guess" of student enrollment, by year and by level (elementary, middle, high <br />school) for the next 25 years. In the early years the vision is clear and reliable. The longer <br />the period of projection, the less reliable the projections become. Still, it is useful to be <br />considering 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 year probable needs. <br />The conclusion of the report is that we are likely to need several new facilities during this <br />period One or two elementary schools will be needed during the next decade to <br />accommodate growth and the reductions in class size to which the Board already has <br />committed. It also is anticipated that by the year 2025, two elementary schools will need to <br />be replaced because they will be approaching 75 years of age. <br />The district also will need additional capacity for its high school population by 2004. It is <br />suggested in the report that the Board consider securing a site for one or more alternative <br />schools or programs and/or add mobile classrooms to the existing campuses. A third high <br />school does not appear to be warranted at this time. <br />The report also points out the shortcomings of the Lincoln Center facility and suggests that <br />a new facility be sought or built to meet this need. This would allow the Lincoln Center <br />site to be used for an educational purpose, possibly the alternative high school <br />We recommend that the next step in this planning process take place on December 2nd with <br />the creation of a Facilities Master Plan Task Force. We recommend that this Task Force be <br />charged with responsibility for preparing a plan to be presented to the School Board no <br />later than the end of June, 2000. We recommend that the plan be structured along the lines <br />of the attached outline. <br />