Orange County NC Website
Orange County Personnel Chdinance Issue Date: August 1,1997 <br />Director or Social Services Director determines whether to proceed with apre- <br />dismissal conference. - <br />c. Prior to the pre-dismissal conference; the department head gives the employee <br />written notice of the pre dismissal conference. This notice includes the specific <br />reasons for the proposed dismissal and a brief summary of the information which <br />management believes supports the proposed dismissal. <br />d. The department head and/or management representative(s) hold the pre-dismissal <br />conference with the employee. <br />(1) No third parties, including attorneys or other representatives may be <br />present at this confexence. The Personnel Director ar the Personnel <br />Director's designee may be present at management's or the employee's <br />request. ~ ~ , <br />Note: This prohibition may be waived with the consent of the department <br />head and the employee. <br />.. ~ (2) The department head and/or management representative(s): <br />-Review with the employee the facts giving rise to the proposed <br />. ~ . ~ dismiissal and~the.specific reasons for the proposed dismissal. <br />-Provide an opporluuity for the employee to respond. <br />e. Following the pre-dismissal conference, the ..department head considers the <br />information the employee has presented. <br />. . f. ~ ~ If the department head determines that dismissal is warranted' following the pre- <br />dismissal conference, he or she reviews the dismissal recomrriendation with the <br />~-' ~ ~ County Manager. The Manager dismisses the employee, if he concurs with the <br />dismissal recommendation. For an employee in the department of Health or Social <br />Services, the Health ar Social .Services Director makes the dismissal decision_ <br />g. The department head gives the employee written notice of dismissal which <br />includes: <br />-The specific reasons for the dismissal and a .brief sunvnary of the <br />information which management believes warrants the action. <br />-The employee's appeal rights under the Orange County Personnel <br />Ordinance. <br />5. Disciplinary Suspension Without Parr; <br />3 See Article 17C, Section 4.7.4. . <br />Article 1X -Page 10 <br />