Orange County NC Website
• - •~ <br />Orange County Personnel Ordinance Issue Date: • 19ugust 1,1997 <br />Z. First Written Warning <br />a. A First Written Warning requires the Depar4nent Head's Advance approval. <br />b. The supervisor completes the following steps: <br />{1) Upon noting employee performance or conduct appearing to require a First <br />_ Written Warning, meets privately with the employee to review the specific <br />. actions or omissions and to allow the employee to give the reasons for the <br />• actions or omissions. <br />(2) If the First Written Warning is justified, specifies in the Letter to the <br />" ~ employee: • <br />(a) 'T`hat it is a "First Written Warning." <br />-• ~ (b) The specific actions or omissions leading to the First Written <br />Wareing. <br />(c) The corrections the employee must make. <br />(d) The time allowed, ~ any, for corrections to be made. <br />(e} Any prior disciplinary action(s). <br />(f) That further disciplinary action; including dismissal, maybe taken <br />if corrections are not made within the time allowed or if other <br />problems arise. <br />•- .. (g) The employee's right to appeal under the tJrange County Grievance <br />• - ~ Procedure. - • <br />c. ~ The department provides a copy of the First Written Warning to the Personnel <br />Department for inclusion in the employee's personnel file. <br />d. In carrying out item 2, the supervisor should be aware that, for unsatisfactory <br />work performance, a First Written Warning may be issued only after an Oral <br />Warning, except as provided in Article IX, Section 4.5.1. <br />3. Final Written Warning <br />a. A Final Written Warning requires the Department Head's advance approval. <br />b. The supervisor eomgletes the following steps: <br />Article IX -.Page 8 -, • <br />