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<br />Orange CvuntyPersonnelOrdinance ~ Issue Date: August l,199~ <br />Appendix I <br />Article IX <br />Required Disciplii~iaryActionProcessl <br />I.. 'Oral 6Yarnin,~ nth R'ritten Confirmation <br />a_' ~ The supervisor may issue an Oral Warning without other~approvals. <br />b. The supervisor completes the following steps: <br />(1) States clearly to the employee in a private meeting that the discussion is an <br />"Oral Warning." . <br />(2) ~ Reviews with the employee the specific acts or omissions causing the Oral <br />.. Warning. <br />(3) Allows the employee to give and considers the reasons for his or her <br />actions or omissions. <br />Note: If warranted, the supervisor may decide not to proceed with the Oral <br />Warning based on the information the employee provides. <br />(4) ~ Informs the employee of the specific corrections he or she must make. <br />(5) Informs the employee of the tune allowed, if any, for the corrections to be <br />r~tade_ <br />(6) Advises the employee that subs_ equent disciplinary action, including <br />dismiissal, maybe taken if needed corrections are not achieved within the <br />time allowed or if other problems arise. . <br />(7J Advises the employee of his or her appeal rights under the Orange County <br />Grievance Procedure. <br />(8) Gives the employee written confirmation of the date of the discussion and <br />matters covered. <br />(9) Provides a copy of the written confirmation to the Personnel Department <br />for inclusion in the employee°s personnel file. <br />i <br />1 For employees in the departments of Health and Social Services, ,State requirements as to <br />dismissal, disciplinary suspension without pay and disciplinary~demation are controlling and, if any <br />variation exists, the State requirements override those of this ordinance. <br />Artiele iX -Page 7 <br />