Orange County NC Website
2 <br />Performance Measures <br />Performance Measures compare performance of the Alternatives to a set of target <br />values for each measure. A travel demand model provides statistics and maps for each <br />alternative system that show the level of congestion, travel mode (e.g., automobile, bus, <br />walk), average travel times, etc. These performance measures (tables for each <br />Alternative are on pages 2-3 through 2-8) and congestion maps (pages 2-23 through <br />2-37) provide a general indicator of each transportation system from a variety of <br />perspectives such as mobility, travel time, congestion, mode choice, air quality, <br />financial, and environmental justice (i.e., perspective of minority and low-income <br />pop I ulations). The measures are not specific to a particular travel corridor but instead <br />cover the entire transportation system, and therefore are useful for comparing the <br />efficiency and effectiveness of the different alternative transportation systems. <br />Evaluation Measures <br />Evaluation Measures compare the performance of each Alternative to a network of <br />existing and committed (E+C) highway and transit facilities and the 2035 socioeconomic <br />data. The E+C network serves as a benchmark for comparing how w much evaluation <br />measures improve with investment in the different Alternatives. Evaluation Measures <br />for each Alternative are given on pages 2-9 through 2-10. <br />Orange Unified Transportation Board Recommended Comments <br />The Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard) received a presentation on the <br />2035 LRTP Alternatives Analysis at its meeting on August 27, 2008 and recommended <br />the comments listed in Attachment 2. <br />Next Steps <br />The DCHC MPO Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) will use the comments to <br />direct development of a Preferred Option — the draft 2035 LRTP. Orange County needs <br />to submit its comments so that they can be addressed as part of the Preferred Option, <br />which the TAC will release for public comment at its October 8, 2008 meeting. The <br />MPO will conduct workshops and a hearing for the Preferred Option. The TAC will <br />approve a draft 2035 LRTP at its December 10, 2008 meeting, which will be used to <br />ascertain if the Plan meets air quality conformity regulations. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact associated with this item, <br />although implementation of many of the alternatives will require new local and state <br />funding. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1. Receive the information and OUTBoard comments, and <br />2. Approve the resolution submitting those comments to the DCHC MPO TAC. <br />