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1 - Introduction <br />population and employment for the year 2035. These Alternatives will be run in the <br />Triangle Regional Model (TRM) to produce a set of transportation performance measures <br />that describe how the transportation system will handle the travel demand generated by a <br />particular population and employment distribution in the year 2035. These performance <br />measures, such as the level of roadway congestion, average travel time, and transit <br />ridership, will be used to evaluate and compare the various Alternatives. <br />It should be noted that it is very unlikely that one of the Alternatives in its entirety would <br />be advanced as the Preferred Option. These Alternatives have been designed to <br />emphasize a particular mode in meeting the future travel demands so that the public and <br />technical staff can understand how well the designated mode works. <br />How can Citizens Participate? <br />There are many opportunities for citizens to review and comment on the Alternatives and <br />Preferred Option at a series of public workshops and public hearings that will take place <br />from August through December 2009. The public involvement calendar for the <br />Alternatives is displayed below. The DCHC MPO Website will continue to post a <br />detailed list of these public involvement opportunities in the 2035 LRTP section of the <br />Website — www.dchcmpo.orl;. For more information, citizens can also contact Andy <br />Henry, (919) 560 -4366, <br /> <br />Alternatives Analysis — Public Involvement Calendar <br />*One workshop will be focused for environmental justice organizaiivns <br />1 -2 <br />