Orange County NC Website
4 <br />December 11, 2008 BOCC receives SAPFOTAC recommendation on student generation <br /> rates update and directs staff to send the recommendation to SAPFO <br /> artners for review and comment comments dues back mid-Janua <br />Prior to February 1, BOCC adopts updated student generation rate and informs SAPFO <br />2009 artners of decision. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact with receiving the draft reports. Amending <br />the Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance to increase fee levels could result in higher fee <br />collection to offset the costs of providing public schools. Updating the student generation rates <br />used in the CAPS system would result in available school capacities being reached more <br />quickly since student generation rates are higher than those adopted in 2001. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1. Receive the draft reports. <br />2. Discuss the topic as desired. <br />3. Direct staff to proceed with the updates and set a public hearing for the October 21, <br />2008 BOCC meeting. <br />