Orange County NC Website
DRAFT SCHOOL IMPACT FEES: Chet Hiu.-C~sORO CITY SCHOOLS <br />Orange County, North Carolina <br />Demand for additional school capacity will come from new residential development. To <br />determine the level of this demand, student generation rates are used. The term "student <br />generation rate" refers to the number of public school students per housing unit in the Chapel <br />Hill-Carrboro City School System.5 Public school students are a subset of school-aged children, <br />which includes students in private schools and home-schooled children. <br />Student generation rates are important demographic factors that help account for variations in <br />demand for school facilities by type of housing. Students per housing unit are held constant <br />over the projection period since the impact fees represent a "snapshot approach" of current <br />levels of service and costs. <br />TischlerBise obtained student generation rate information for each school system in the County <br />from Orange County. The student generation rates provided by Orange County Planning are <br />from an analysis conducted in 2005. Student generation rates were provided by housing unit <br />type for the categories used in each district. 'That is, for Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools, rates are <br />provided for each type of unit: (1) Single Family Detached, (2) Single Family Attached, (3) <br />Multifamily, and (4) Manufactured Homes. In addition, the rates reflect demand by type of <br />school level-elementary, middle, and high. <br />To reflect 2006-07 demand for school facilities by housing unit type, the rates are calibrated to <br />current conditions using data on housing units and enrollment in each school system provided <br />by the County. The result is updated student generation rates by type of unit by school level for <br />each school district. Student generation rates for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools are shown <br />below in Figure 2. (Further detail is provided in Appendix A.) <br />s Student generation rates aze calculated separately for each school system in the County. (See Appendix A for more <br />detail,) <br />Tischler~ise 9 <br />n,c@,cein~nkar.e~snn(n~ e~~~.uaem:. <br />