Orange County NC Website
0 <br />O] <br />RED <br />(b) I: o~ <br />th c. <br />On <br />col <br />tc <br />am <br />wr~ <br />de< <br />pry <br />(c) "I'h <br />the <br />Ell 1( <br />(1r. <br />wh <br />cot <br />pry <br />dill <br />(d) "I'h <br />ch; <br />in <br />Co <br />to <br />tc~ <br />nc~ <br />el "hh <br />the <br />At <br />rec <br />ou <br />fIu <br />aih <br />t-~~. <br />t'1< <br />tDINANCE ZONING OFFICER PLANNING BOARD ADMINISTRATION <br />UIltEMENT: RECOMMENDATION: RECOMIVIENDATION: RECOMMENDATION: <br /> <br />amendments to State recommended approval llt 1lreir Mav 2L ?008 Administration ' recommends <br />Toning as detailed by the evidence Special rnccting, the Board that the BOCC make a <br />finance, test, a and testimony oPficrcd by the voted unanimously to finding .that this item` is not.'. <br />~~ of thi; esisting /c~nin`~ t=)flicer as noted accept staff's applicable to this project. <br />proposed for within the. lull application. the- rcconunendation quid <br />~ndmcnt and a 3 `, and 1 `~ notcbnoks fmding <br />teen statement. provided to the P3oard. <br />cribing the <br />posed changes <br />~:rllcgcd error in 5[aff reeolumended approval At their .May 2l, 2008 Administration,. recommends'. <br />/Doing Atlas ns detaiicd by the cvidcnce, Special mecting,_the Board that the BQCC make a <br />tor. 7.oniut~ and testimony o1lcred by the Voted unanimously 'to bodingthat this item is not <br />finance test Toning t )fiicer as noted' accept siaif's apPliea~ble to this project <br />ich would be within the fu11 application, the, recotrmlcndation and <br />rectcd by the _~ and J '` notebooks ~ findim~ <br />posed provided to the Bi)ard. <br />~ndmcnt <br />changed or Staff recommended approval At their-IV1ay ,21, 2008 Administration.reeommcnds <br />uginz conditions as detailed l:,v the evidence Special Illeeting, he Board that the B(JCC make a <br />the area br in the and testimony oi7crcd by the voted unanimously to finding that this item is note <br />snty making the I,oninp t)Pficer as noted accept staff's appliealbletothisprojeet <br />lln~i atlas aI]d~Or w'tthm the lull appllCatlon_ tht? reel)ulmendatlOrl alld <br />I_ BInCIldlllC"nt 3 `~, and 1 ~ notebooks findnlg <br />~essarv_ provided to the t3oard. <br />manner in which. 5tal~f reconuncnded approti'al At their .May 21, 2008 Administration recommends <br />proposed Coning as detailed by the evidence Special meeting, the Board that the BOCC make an <br />as amendment. and testimony offered h~ the voted unanimously 'to affirmative Ending on this <br />asst 1vi]I `cam- Lonin~~~ ~)t{iccr as noted accept stall's item. <br />the intent and within the :Poll application, the reconluleudation and <br />pose of the. 3 and l notebooks finclin~ <br />opted provided to the Board. <br />mprehensivc <br />n, or part thereof <br />