Orange County NC Website
<br />ORDINANCE ZONING OFFICER PLANNING BOARD ADNIIl~TISTRATION <br />REQUIltEMENT: RECOMNN~NDATION: RECOM1VVl)rNDATION: RECONIIVIENDATION: <br />- - _ - ..~ <br />()RDINA;IVCE R>EaQIJ1RFIIVIENTi 5ccti~-n 20.3.lApptication Snhniii4ed #o Zoning;Officer: <br />All ap~~licaiions fr~r arncndments to this ordinance shall he in ~rz-itinb, si~~ cd and filed, t4vo copies with the Zoning <br />O(laccr and one copy «~ith the C'otntiy T~~t;tnagcr i~or presentation to the:Board~ofCounty Co_mmissianers. (ForPlanned <br />I~evclopmeni amendments sec Article 7; [br Special l?se Permits sec Article S). <br />"Cite toning Officer shall, before accepting an}~ arnendrnent application, ensure ittat it contains all required information, as <br />specified in this ordinance. Applications ~<fiich arc not complete- or o(hcrivisc do not comply ti~iththe provisionsof this <br />~trdinance; shall not he accepted. by the Zoning Ofiiccr, but shall be returned try the applicant, with a notationby the' <br />Zoning Officer of the dcf icicncics in the a~plication- <br />Section 20.3.1: Stair recommended approval` ~°lt their R'Iay 21, 2Q08 Administration recommends. <br />.Application sul-mitfcd as detailed b~~ tIrc evidence Special meeting, the Board that the BOCC make an <br />tar ~€-r:iiQrg; (~61fuc~ r: and testimom~ oi~lercd h~= the voted unanimously to a~a~-aaeattive h7nding ,on this'. <br />Zoning Officer as noted! accept staff's item. <br />within the full application, the rcconm~cndation and <br />3 `. and 1 nolchooks tindin~~ <br />provided to flte I~o~u~d. <br />ORI11NAi~CI? RF;QUIRT.bIEi'V'I. Serteon 20.3.2 f'onients of,4ppGcatiion: <br />,~lpplirttions for amendments to t_heLoning .Allan and/or Zoning Ordinance teat, without limiting the right to file <br />additional material. shall contain at least the Inllowin<~: <br />___ -- <br />(a) Pbr amendments to Stsi~' rce~~mmended approval At their I~lati 27, 2008 Administration ' recommends' <br />the Zoning Atlas. a as detailed by the c~idence Specie( mcctin`;, .the Board that the BOCC snake an <br />('ulhr dimensioned and testimony ol~icrcd h}~ the v~tcd unanimolslS to :effirmatiive finding bn this <br />Wrap at a scale of not Zcznin~ Office-r as rioted' accept ~;taff's item. <br />ies5 than one within the full application, the' recommendation and <br />hundred (I OOj feet. to ~ and l '` notchnaks~ findin~~ <br />the inch shoe°ing the provided t~- the l3nard. <br />land which ~~ould be <br />covered by the <br />proposed Zoning <br />.Atlas a.mcndment, <br />and a le~ai <br />description. of the <br />l~u~d <br />