Orange County NC Website
z.~ <br />ORDINANCE <br />REQUIREMENT: <br />DEST(zN ~;OT:UTiC1N <br />h~Li+~V l?N: <br />As i~utlincd on pa~~e thirty- <br />six {36) of the applicaliu^ <br />reading as frrllo~vs: <br />`The applicuttt rerrtte.~7s a <br />waiver front Sec~tiun ~.~ <br />,5`i~~ns and 1 i;,;=ftlitz~~ <br />:S'i,~~ns~ ticrneral Criteria <br />r~~~ tlt~: EI_~?I? 1) <br />~1larutal' <br />The I:17L~ 1)LSIr'n N rnual <br />]unit, the nsc of signs <br />within this district he~ond <br />tivhat is nccde.d to support <br />the project. <br />I~he applicant. reyucsts the <br />following: <br />l.Onc (7) project <br />idcntiiication ~tir~~,n that <br />is liftti (~0) ie~~t in <br />het<~ht and sip hundred <br />{,600) square :feet in <br />are <br />Z.A (\(l~airarum of eight <br />(S) "hcnantlDirccton~ <br />Si~~ns that arc fifteen <br />(7 ~) Feet in hei~~ht and <br />}rave tlircc hundred <br />(300) square feet of <br />sign area each, <br />3.11or each 'Majorlh~linar <br />fcnant' three (3) si~~ns <br />{~~~all, window, etc) for <br />each building, <br />4.Onc (1) prnjcctiu±~ si~>>r <br />irr cacti `Tl9inor <br />'I~cnant", <br />S.T)irectional signs at a <br />ma~irnum height of <br />itivclve (l''_} feet with a <br />rna~imunr sire of one <br />hundred (100) square <br />feel for each Sign. <br />ZONING OFFICER <br />RECOMII~NDATION: <br />Siaff recommended approval <br />as detailed by the evidence <br />and testinwn_y oi7cred by the' <br />Toning Ofticcr as noted' <br />~~ ithin the full application, the <br />3 '-, and I notebooks <br />provided to the Board. <br />Spccilicallti, staid <br />rea-xnmc~ndcd the tc~llrnvin:;: <br />Primary project ID; <br />tine (1) YD identrtrr_ ition sign.. <br />that is fifty (50) ~l~ct in height <br />not morethan 24' wide placed <br />no lrit~hcr ih~ui 40' and not <br />more thw~ 30D S1' per side for ~ <br />t«o sides, <br />N:ntry L'ortal: <br />,1 i19a~innnn of~ ci,~ht (8) <br />1`enant(Directory Signs that arc <br />itlccn (h51 feet in height and'. <br />have one. hundred SF per side. <br />tti~~o Hundred (2Ul)} square feet <br />of total sign area each (each- <br />side hcin~, counted a5 Sh) <br />I1~Tajor/1~7inor TcnanL• <br />t~~or each `hlajor/MurorTcnant' <br />three (3) suns (~~~all, .etc) for' <br />each building of, as shown in <br />the master sign plan based on <br />1 SF per linear foot of building <br />tcontage placed ti~°ithin a- <br />desi~zned si<~n facade area. 311D <br />i SP rnayirririrn <br />'T'enant sbo~•c 4tixIkF4~ays: <br />One (1) projectin~~ si!,n ((, SF) <br />for each `~titajarLRiinor'I~cn~arr" <br />Directional Signs: <br />1~)ircctional signs at a' <br />ma.~imum height of-~ twelves <br />(l'?) feet ~i ith a maximum size <br />of one. hundred. (100)' square <br />feet for each si~~n. <br />PLANNING BOARD <br />RECOAtIlViENDATION: <br />At their August 13, 2008 <br />Speci~rl meeting, .the Board <br />voicd` Six`(b) to Three {3)to <br />reauumend;apprwal of the <br />proposal Design Solution <br />based on stairs (indin« lviih <br />thefolfo«in,~ c~ccption: <br />With respect to the Primary <br />Project ID sign, .the Board <br />voted to recommend denial i <br />of this single provision. E <br />Entry Portal: <br />A Maximum of -.eight {b) <br />Tcnant/Directory Signs that <br />arefifteen'(1S) feet in height <br />and hay e ono hundred ST',per <br />side t~~~o hundred {200) <br />square. lect of total Gib area <br />each'. (each side dieing <br />counted as S 1 ~ ). <br />Majorlhliuor Tenant: <br />For each `~~lajorlh~linor <br />'T'enant' three (3) signs (w<>il, <br />etc)for each huildin~r u1., as <br />shown in the ma~tcr si~~n <br />planbased on ISI= per linear- <br />foot of building frontage <br />placed ~~ithiri a dcsi~~ned <br />sign'; facade area. 300 SF <br />maxima m <br />Tenant`ubo~c walk~~ays: <br />One (ll projecting sign (C~ <br />SF) firr each `Major/Minor <br />Tenant', <br />Directional Signs: <br />Directional ~i~~ns at a <br />maximum hci~ht of t~~elve <br />(12) feet with a maximum <br />size 01 unc hundred {1.00) <br />squ~irc feet for each ~i~~n: <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />_RECOMNICNDATION: <br />Ado-irri~tration recommends' <br />that the 13000 make an <br />affirrnaiive finding on the <br />T?e~sign Solution <br />1'rimarypro;jcct TD: <br />One tl} PD identification sign` <br />that i5 fifty {50) feet in height <br />not more than 24' wide placed <br />no higher thane: 40' and not <br />morc,,than 300`SF per'side for' <br />iwo sides. <br />Entry Portal: <br />A' Maximum of eight (8) <br />Tenantll)irectory Signs that are <br />fifteen {1"5) feet in height and <br />have one hundred SF per side:. <br />two Hundred (200) square feet <br />of total sirtn area each (each <br />side b~:in~~ counted as S['), <br />I <br />itiTajorlDTinor 'Tenant: <br />ror each`Major/Minor Tenant' <br />three {3); signs (wall, etc) for- <br />each building of, as shown in <br />the master sign: plan based on <br />l SI per linear foot of building <br />~frontagc placcil tivithin ~a <br />designed sign facade ~ti•ca. 300 <br />SF in<i~innnn <br />Tenantabove walkways: <br />tine (1) projecting sign {5 SF) <br />for each>`Major/Minor Tenant's <br />Directional Signs: <br />Directit~nal si~~ns at a <br />maxirnrrm hci~ht of izvelve <br />{12) cet «ith a nratcimum size <br />of one'lmndred {100) square <br />feet fir each sign. <br />