Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />ORDINANCE <br />REQUIItEMENT: <br />UNISIGN SOL>Ll7'If)N <br />TI?;N <br />,~s outlined o^ page- <br />thirty-five (i~i) ol~ the <br />application reading as <br />follows: <br />'I'Ire crpJ?licxrn! r~:~ju~+s7.~~ <br />a rrrtiver~ fi•nrtt ~S'ectfi~n <br />l;xildirz<~r arr~i Gr~ournLc off' <br />the E~~D Uc°,~~i~r~ <br />,?~fL11JXIQ1 <br />Chc fI~I) Design 1\~lannal <br />indicates that no icnce or <br />«~all shall be allowed <br />~4~ithin ten (1O) feel ol~~my <br />li-ont properlti line or <br />strcciright~ of=wa~~_ <br />`hhe applicant. is <br />proposing to raluce this <br />rcquirernent ,md allow for <br />the placcnrcnt ol~ <br />landscape and <br />architectural walls «~ithin <br />one (l) foot ol~ internal <br />properh~ lines and Street <br />right-of=luaus prop idcd <br />that adequate site <br />triangles and utilit}~ <br />acri.sscs arc preserved. <br />ZONING OFFICER PLANhTING BOARD ADMIlVISTRATION <br />RECOMIV~~NDATION: I <br />RECONIlVIENDATION: RECOMIV~NDATION: <br /> <br /> recommends. <br />Administration <br />St<j f recommended approval At their itilay 21, 200$ , <br />that the BOCC make an <br />as detailed by the evidence Special muting, the Board ~tlirn-afive finding ;on the <br />and testimony oi7ercd by the voted Six (~ to Three (3) to Solutionallowingfor; <br />Design <br />/_onin~~ [~tiiccr as notad recommend.- approval of . <br />the modification only in <br />within the: mull application, they' the proposed Design situations where the' <br />3 '- and I ~` notebooks Solution based on staff's developer can. demonstrate' <br />provided to the Board. ' findinn . on a site-specific <br /> The Board also development plan that the <br />Staff fin-ther recommended, recoirnuenud that design feature-.will not create <br />that a condition be placed on conditions be placed on the a;pubHc safety risk and that <br />the ~€JP indicating that the SUP' indicating that this `the encroachment is needed <br />proposed modification only'.. Design Solution can only to foster ~ acceptable <br />be allowed in situations: . be ' utilized when the architectural features' and/or <br />~ti here it is dernons~trated on a applicant can demonstrate landscaping. <br />site-specific development on a site-specific <br />plan that.: the design feature development plan~that there <br />will not create a 'public shall`.' not be any public <br />safety risk ~:uul ifiai the safety risk created, and <br />eneroachmcnt is needed to additianal encroachment: is <br />foster acceptable needed, to foster the <br />arohitec Ural fcairrres or development of acceptable <br />landscaping. architectural features and/or <br /> landscaping. <br />__ _ ___ __ <br />-- <br />