Orange County NC Website
.,, <br />~' 3 <br />ORDINANCE ZONING OFFICER PLANN][NG BOARD ADMINISTRATION <br />REQUIl2EMENT: RECOMIVVII;NDATION: RECOMMENDATION: RECOIVIIVVIENDATION: <br /> St`~Il rec°mTr~cli~}~~ `ippro~a[ ~ At their fay 2'l, 2008 Administrationrecommends <br />DESIGN SOLLI'I'lOi~1 as detailed h} the c~°idence Special rnccking, flee Board that the SOCC make an <br />NINE: y ol~lerai by the <br />and tcsiimou voted Seven (7) toTwo (2) affirmative finding on this <br />;1s outlined un pa~c _ <br />7onin~ i)tlicer as noted-~ to recommend approval of DesignSolution <br />thirty-four (~4) of tl~c within t]~e Dull application, the tha proposed Design <br />application rcadin~~ as 3 `~, and T notcY~oc~ks' Solution based on staff's <br />follo~i~s: pro~~ided to the Board. finding.':: <br />`I'{rc uj~pli~_xn~t rer~uests <br />CI 1VCI1 VL')' ~YClll J .~~f'~ IIOII <br />_3. ~ 1~Qi1C~SC'lIfJP ~_~c'Sl~'f1 <br />fi7[11C~lf1~~ CTII(~ ~iT~71iRi~S O~ <br />~hC ~1)l~ ~)C'~S14;7IJ <br />~lrt~~,~<<~t° <br />~17~c t~,I~D T)esign 111anuaJ <br />requires that the entire <br />base or foundation of a <br />proposed structure is to <br />he l<uulscapcd. T he <br />applicant is proposin~~ the <br />foffObi~ln~t: <br /> <br />1JIl11C~lIi~r Q11L~ !'i'U71I1LfS <br />T cu<<Iscrr~c~l ~lreu,r crlun;~~ <br />thirty j~ercent (3U~'~;) o/'a <br />hr~ildi~r~rs perint~~ter i~? <br />~ <br />f7211~C~171~,' C'lIL'e.S <br />JY~~IE'fl <br />li'h1~L' TllLlllit(I112112 <br />)IBC~S',SUi"1' .tilf~C'it'(71~i Q1i11' <br />O!lIC~p01' [hSJ71ClV C1Y8(l.5' <br />~f ~}IC applicant 3C~~UCS lh~lt <br />th7s lilod]fleatt(lil ~~lll <br />a}}o~'1' lOr the nSC'. of <br />S1d~,w8f~S and pedCStlliln <br />plazas to pronu~te the <br />accctisibilit~~ of~ the <br />project. <br />