Orange County NC Website
~2 <br />ORDINANCE <br />REQUIREMENT: <br />DI{;til(;N tiOLU7'If)IY <br />EIG}IT: <br />As outlined on pages <br />thirty-tivo (~Z) through <br />thirty-three {33) of the <br />application reading as <br />follows: <br />'l7te ~Ipplicarrt rc~~ju~~sls <br />a rvaiver• ~rorrr ,Section <br />i.? T_un~~ccclpe I1eai~rr - <br />I,arrdscapzn,~r Pur•ki~rs~r <br />;lrects of t{lip L!)I) <br />Desr~m ~:fclrrrsal <br />~1'hc 1;DD Design Manual <br />requires that ~~ l~mdscapc <br />island be provided for <br />every ten (10) p:u~kiirg <br />spaces. <br />`fhe applicant is <br />proposing the following: <br />--- .5°lurde irecr,ti~ urc• to b~° <br />~~r•oi~iclccl ut cr ratio irf~ <br />one ( j rTrree inch (3 ") <br /><;aliper tree per ten (1 O1 <br />inr~ir~r~lual parkirr,~r <br />s~~~lces ~~rori~led thc,t <br />nim~tl~ pcrcerrt (4tP,'~ 1 ~~~~ <br />the spuees ure within <br />~iJty (5Ul fee! of the <br />i:enter o~ a shade tree ' <br />i~he applicant ~u-gues Thai <br />This provision Neill require <br />t_he planting; of the saute <br />number ~~f tress that <br />tis~ould be required under <br />the Dcsi~u 1\larnurl, but <br />would allow for larger <br />trees to be planted. allow <br />for a more eompact <br />parking lot with less <br />impervious suriac:e area. <br />ZONING OFFICER <br />RECOMNICNDATION: <br />Sia1l~ recommended appro<<al' <br />as detailed b}~ the evidence <br />and testimony oflercd try the' <br />'Coning Ut~icer as noted,. <br />within ilrc full application, they <br />3 and t `` notebooks <br />provided to the 13oarcl. <br />Staff furlhcr reconunertded <br />that a condition be placed on:~ <br />the SLIP inilicatin;, that the <br />proposed modification ~rnly' <br />be al(ovycd in situations <br />whe.rc it i~ dc.n~umsirated <br />that: <br />1. Fifty percent (>0`',%) t~f <br />the parking lot. surface' <br />area shell he in shade <br />willrin live (i) ~°ears of <br />initial canopy tree <br />planting. <br />2. Parking surface paving <br />nuricrials shall hay ~ a <br />Sl:l of at least. 29 <br />(LEND Standard), and <br />(lpcn 'grid parking lot <br />paving or other pcn•ious <br />paving sytitcros are <br />strongly cncorirr`~ed <br />bccau~c of their high <br />reflectance values and <br />their compatibili~ti~ ~~~ith <br />heal island effect <br />reduction. <br />--- <br />PLANI~TING BOARD <br />.RECOMMENDATION: <br />At their 1`~lay 21, 2008 <br />Special meeting, the Board <br />voted Severn {7) to' Two {Z) <br />to recommend approval `of <br />the proposed Design <br />Solution -based on staff's <br />rindin~~ . <br />The Board also <br />reconunendcd that staffs <br />condition be placed on S(Tl' <br />to address .potential public <br />safety concerns. <br />ADMIQVISTRATION <br />RECOM1ViENDATION: <br />Administration recommends <br />that the BOCC make an <br />affirmative finding on t}~e. <br />Design Solution allowing for <br />the modification in inly in <br />cases where it can be <br />demonstrated on a site= <br />specific development .plan <br />that: <br />1. Fifty percent (50%) of <br />the parking lot 'surface <br />area shall be in shade <br />widrin fitire (5) years of <br />initial ,canopy tree <br />planting, <br />2. Parking surface paving <br />materials shall have a <br />SRl of at least 29 <br />(LFED Standard), and <br />3. Open grid parking lot <br />paving or other pervious <br />paving .:systems are <br />strongly' encouraged <br />because of their high <br />reflectance values and <br />their compatibility with <br />heat island effect <br />reduction' <br />