Orange County NC Website
zi <br />ORDINANCE <br />DI+;S>iGiV SOLUTIOI~I <br />sl~;~'l~',N: <br />As outlined on page thirty <br />(:~0} through thirtti°-one <br />(;11 of ihc. application <br />reading as lolling s: <br />'"I'{tc a~rpli~°afrl rc~ytee,~°t,~~ <br />LZ tit'(;lIh('Y fi'~~311 S~I'Ch071 <br />>.1 ,9rcfiitl~ctural De,si~,Tn <br />C'orrl~r~ralc~cl Lftacll; <br />~IILrfl~}~ lZ['~je'C~IVt' <br />,SUl'~CIC('S'; Cl)ICj <br />lllruninutecl R~~r~~n~ of <br />t{Ie 1; l~l) f )csi~rn <br />;llarlru1l <br />l~he I~;DD Desiuu I~~I~tnual <br />mquirc5 that solar panels <br />must. be (lush ~<<ith the <br />slope of the roof. "l~he <br />applicant indicates that. <br />there may be situations <br />where s~~lar panel:; cannot <br />be flush ~i~ith the roam and <br />that tlcsibility is needed <br />to atloi<< for fhcir use. <br />ZONING OFFICER PLANN1QVG BOARD <br />RECOlVIlVIENDATION: RECOMiVJ~NDATION: <br />Stali~ reconlmcndcd approvah~ <br />as detailed h}~ the evidence <br />and tctitinrinrv oL(errd ~by the' <br />Toning Ofticer as Hated <br />~~°ithin the Gull application, the <br />3 '-, aaxi 1 notehaok <br />prop°ided t<~ the board. <br />StaiT~ iur(hcr rccorr~meuded <br />that a condition-be placed on'- <br />the St ~ P indieating that the' <br />proposed rnodiiication only... <br />be. allowed. in situations' <br />~~~hcrc it is deiuonstratedthat: <br />I.~hhc: light rcllccting fiom <br />solar cner~w collection. <br />features wiiT'not create a' <br />public salctt~hazardand <br />?.,~1n~~ buildings utilizing', <br />solar panels 'shall have its <br />lun~~cr building axis is at <br />)cast one and a half (1'/z) <br />times the shorter axis and <br />the longer ~r~is is 'wifliin <br />fifteen degrees (15°) of the <br />geugraphic east/~.ti~est axis <br />(1.FF;>7 Standard) <br />~1t fhcir i~la~ 21, 2008 <br />Special meeting, 'the Board <br />yertcd unanimously ' to <br />recommend approv.rl of <br />the proposed Design <br />Snltitinn based of staff's <br />finding . <br />The ! Board else <br />recommended that staff's <br />condition be placed on SUP <br />to address:.;potential public <br />safety concerns. <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />RECOMIVICNDATION: <br />Administration recommends <br />that the- BOCC make ' an <br />affirmative finding on t}ie <br />Design Solution allowing for <br />the modification in only in <br />cases 'where it can be <br />demonstrated on a site- <br />specific development plan <br />that the: <br />l . The light reflecting from <br />solar energy 'collection <br />features tivill not create a <br />public safety hazard, and <br />2. any buildings utilizing <br />solar panels shall have <br />its longer building axis is <br />at least one and a 'half <br />(1'/) times the shorter.. <br />axis and the longer axis <br />is within fifteen degrees <br />(15°) of the geographic <br />east/west ` axis {LEED <br />Standard) <br />