Orange County NC Website
~a <br />ORDINANCE <br />REQUIltEMENT: ZONING OFFICER <br />RECOMIVZENDATION: PLANNIlVG BOARD <br />RECOMM7ENDATION: ADMINISTRATION <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br /> Stafi• recommc.ndcd appro~•al' At their May 21, 2008 Administration recommends <br />DFSiGN SOLU'l'IOio1 as detailed h}~ nc~ e~~idence Special meeting, the Board that the BOCC make air <br />SIX: and tcs~imonv oficrud _by the (1) <br />voted: IJight,(8) to One affirmatYVe finding on the <br />As outlined on page thiily Icuiing f~fiicer as nosed _ <br />to recommend ap~rnval of Design Solution alloi~ing for <br />(30) of lhe. application ~~ithin the 1•ull application,ihe' the proposed ~ Design the modification in only in <br />reading as I~~llows: 3 ", and ] notehaaks' Solution based on staff's cases where it can be <br /> hro~ ided to the: Board. finding . demonstrated on a site- <br />'7he u~~plicrtnt reituests <br />~ specific `development plan <br />a ~1~cri~~zr• frnnr Section The _ Board also that the: <br />~1 llrclritt~~lrrr•uC Dcsi~rz Stat~i~ fi~rihcr rcc~~mmcnded recommended 1lzat staffs <br />- ('nrrns;~rt~~d llrtul,~ that a condition be placed on condition be placed an SUP ~:: Thelight reflecting from <br />1~i~rhth Kc~/I~°c~tirc° the ~tTP indicating that tire; <br />~ to address potential public materials and <br />roofing ... <br />Srrrlucea; urrd ~ ~ <br />proposed `modification only safety concerns. . <br />will note create a publie <br />Illurrrirratcri Rowing r~/• `bc altc~~~~cd i17 ;ituatians`. safety, traffic hazard, or <br />ilrc 81)I> Design ~~~hcre ii is dcnum~trated fhat: ~ annoyancefo others, and <br />a fort ual ' <br /> I.1 he light rcilccting from 2. All roof materials shall <br />"Ihe applicant ~s roa(ing matcrial5 and will have SI2lforroofpitches <br />' rcyuc5ting the ahilit}' to - <br />not crcatc a public 'safety,; less,than 2: I2 of 7$ and <br />ha~c fleaibilit_y in using traffic hazard, or an SRI of 29 for roofs <br />,highly ref7ccli~'c roof <br />annoyance to others;- with. a itch reater than <br />p g <br />materials ~4hcn tlicy arc <br />y 2:12 (Reference to <br />designed to achic~~c the 2_nll roof materials slball LEED Standards) <br />G~ario~.~s cncr~~}~ ubjecti~~cs ha~~c S1Z f for roof pitches <br />ootlincd tt~ithin the less than :?:12'of 78and an~~ <br />application. SRI of ?~~ farroofs «ith a <br />1 pltCh fLfCatl'I' tha71 Z:IZ <br /> (Reference to LEED. <br /> 5t~.udard5) <br />