Orange County NC Website
/~ <br />ORDINANCE <br />REQUIItEMENT: <br />1)Fai(ti SOL1!"TION <br />1+'OUR: <br />~1s nuthned ou pa~.!e <br />i~ti~enty (?0) 01~ the <br />application rcadin~.~ as <br />follo~~ s: <br />`"L~u~ ~zp~~licu~tl requc~cls <br />u ~ruirer ~ru~n ,tic>ction <br />2.4 11m~i~~~~n~t1t t11uT <br />I~~ac7ors (,`ruclitr~r crrtd <br />I?rn.cion L'nirtrol <br />L)rivervrrv ~I~td ~1c.[;c's,c <br />1_h-i~~c~ ,S`lopc~s of 11re T1)1) <br />De.~ i ~rt1 ~2arr t~ul ' <br />I'hc applicant. is <br />requesting the ahiht_y to <br />utilize t~C' Di_)'T~ standards <br />oC two percent (~"~%) ar <br />'~;~' per root minimum and <br />a t~i~el~rc percent. (~„30) <br />m~>,~innim acccs~~drit'c <br />slope tivhere necessary. <br />The applicant ar~~ucs that <br />with the c.~istin~~ slope <br />standards of t« o percent <br />(2` o) minimum and [it~c <br />pC1'CCnt (~`%n) maymlmll <br />tilt aCCL'SSidr11`e~4Yr~'S 1 <br />cornmon_ there will be <br />need for additional <br />(7c~ibility t;i~ren the <br />number of connections <br />proposed ti~i[h this <br />1 dCy'elopnlCni. <br />ZONING OFFICER PLA~NN]avG BOARD <br />RECOMIV.~NDATION: RECOMII~NDATION: <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />RECONIlVIENDATION: <br />Stall recommended approval, At their 11-lay Z1, 200$ Administration recommends <br />as detailed h} the c~ idence Special n~ecting, the Board that the BOCC make am <br />and icstim~mti~ oClcred by the voted Eigfif(8} toOne`(1} affirmative finding 'on flte <br />lc~nin~.; (~fiiccr as noted: to recommend approval of Design Solulion allowing for.. <br />~~ithin the Cull application, lhe'~~ the proposed Design the modification '_ for. <br />3 and 1 ~` notebooks Solution based on staff's accessldrive way slopes in <br />prodded to the Board- finding and on the cases where it can be <br /> following conditions: demonstrated on a site <br /> ` specific 'development plan. <br />Staff further recornmcnded 1.That thewaivirig of the that-the'additianal slope. is <br />that a condition be placed on <br />' requirement be reviewed necessary to comply with NC <br />the SUP indiaiting that the on a case-by-case basis DOT requirements. <br />proposed mirditicaiion i,nly in accordance with <br />be allowed ~' ~~~hen the:'. ;t'aff y recommendation, <br />applicant c;an demorastratc on, <br />a site-specific development <br />pl~u~ the need, and hc;nefits, of <br />a[lowin~~ 1br t.hc twelve' <br />percent (1;2°fo~ slope. Further;; <br />staff recommended that this <br />modifcation be allowed only <br />in instances where <br />compliance «~ith 1~1G DOT <br />requirements «as necessary. <br />~ _ - <br />~_ - <br />