Orange County NC Website
/~ <br />ORDINANCE <br />REQUIREMENT: ZONING OFFICER <br />RECOMIVLCNDATION: PLANNING BOARD <br />RECOMIVIENDATION: ADMINISTRATION <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br /> <br />D1~blGN 501aJ'CION t,1-, <br />StaFt reconmlendcd r ro~`at ~ ~, <br />~( their Ala 21, 2008 tration .recommends <br />Adminis <br />T1<iRH:E: as detailed b~ the evidence Special rneetiug,ithe Board that the~'~ BOCC make an~ <br /> and tes[inron~~ oCl'erud-,by the. voted Sit (b) to Three (3) to affirmative finding on the' <br />r~s outlined on pa~c Inning (~t~icer as nosed-' recornrncnd approval of Design Solution allo~~ing fore <br />'~, twcnt}~ (?Oj of the "ithin the mull application, the the proposed Design the modification of the <br />application reading as 3 `~ <u~d 1 notchooks` Solution based on staff's maximum' slope factor when <br />Pollrn~rs: prodded tothcBoard. finding and on the it eau be demonstrated that <br />1 ire opplicarrt following conditions: the request is necessary to <br />regrse,,~ts° a rt~air•t°r f •om ' address issues associated with <br /> <br />S'rrclrcl~t ?.:~ Staff furd~er reccrrnnreudcrl 1_That the'vGraiving of the <br />avoiding uirnecessary grading <br /> <br />T'jn~iron~~rc~ntul hactor~~ that a amdition be placed on grading ;requirement be <br />orlaud disturbance. <br />(~rrtdin~ rarrrll~°rosiort thee:- SUP indicating: that iLte; reviewed on a case by- <br />C'orilrol Pla~ttirt~r p~_"p°sc`l uroditication only case basis in accordance <br />~trc~a ,S'Ir~pes r~~~ the <br />~ be allo«ed when the with staffs <br />Isl>I~ li~.~ir;~r ,?4frt~ruul, applicant can demonstrate on recnmrncndation, and <br /> a site-specil is development.. <br />' l hat DENR best <br />2 <br />I'he applicant. is plan the need. and benefits to . <br />managenleut praaticesbe <br />re~~ucsting the abilit~~ to on-site natural resources, , of applied to the grading <br />.utilize a maxinnnn slope; ~ti-diving the requirement due establishment of <br />~~ re <br />factor of 2:1 rather than to the fiollo~~°ing. - <br />grass slopes <br />'~ the listed nuryinnun sly>pc ... <br />ol~~:l. 1.Steeper back slopes ~ti~ill <br /> raincc o~eral) site grading <br />11'illrin the request 4rc and disturbance, and <br />applicant indicates that <br />1 ass site `.~raiiin~~ <ind <br />~ <br />the c~istin~~ rrrcl~ of the . <br />chst~rrbanc.e ~i~ill prctieil~c <br />propert~~ would reiluire more land area in~rl present <br />`unn~.cessar_y girding and natural condition.' <br />increate the total iix>tprint <br />of dishirbancc' if the. <br />m~1?f1ITtUn1 :l Sloi)C Tdtro <br /> <br />Sias adhered to. <br />i <br />17re applicaut is <br />rL"grICSting the ablhty to <br />use a slope ratio of 2: l or <br />flatter in alt effort to <br />avi7id umieccssarv <br />disturbance on the <br />property and make use of <br />the natural shape of the <br />land ~ti°ith minimal <br />grading. <br />' <br />L <br />