Orange County NC Website
l~ <br />ORDINANCE ZONING OFFICER <br />REQUIItEMENT: RECONIlVIENDATION: <br />DL:SI(~N SnLCJ'('IO~I Stah~ recornmcndcd approval <br />'r~~p: as detailed h~~ the evidence.. <br />I'hc applicant had. and tcsfimon_y oflcrcd by the <br />originally requested chat Ic~ni~i~~ (~f7iccr as noted <br />the e~istin~~ comp~~site within the full application,ihe <br />ratio methodsestablished 3 and 1 '` notchooic~ <br />tivilhin the i:DD Design provided to the Board. <br />I4]annal ho replaced ~~ith <br />a `floor area ratio' and <br />`tna~:imum building, <br />hcit~ht' Nmitation to <br />control land use intensity, <br />spcciticall}r a rn~rxirnum <br />moor area ratio of~ point <br />1ltirty (._~Oj and a <br />maximum building height <br />of six (6) stories. <br />On aul}' 31. 2008 stafi~ <br />received n Icifir Gom the <br />developer indicating that <br />1he_~` «°ould like to ravisc <br />the requested 1lesig^ <br />Solution and request /hat <br />they be allowed to adhere <br />to a Site Volun~c }?atic~ of <br />One (l} for the entire <br />prpjcct ~r detailed witJ~in <br />Section 2. Land I_~sc <br />Jntcnsity of the }?,D}) <br />Desifr^ Manual <br />PLAJ\fNI.NG BOARD <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />The Planning Board <br />originally voted to <br />recommend denial of this <br />Design Solution as it was <br />originally proposed. <br />~urinp. their ;~t~gf~~t _l j, <br />!200$ rncetin~~.. the Nlannin~, <br />}3oard voted to re-evaluate:, <br />the request based on the: <br />applica~rt's proposed; <br />.revision. <br />l~he Board voted <br />lut~~u~in~ously to recommend, <br />appr©val of the revised'. <br />Deign Solution as f~~llotivs: <br />"1"!le Pzu~khrn~~t t'illa~~~~_ <br />jPlarzned I)er~lopnr~°nt slur/]: <br />adhej~a In rr cuanulalii~e ,Site! <br />~Traliurre .~ut1o t~/ One (I) fir= <br />jth~ etrrire project. The` <br />df~i~elo~~er is t~ec~ttit~ed ~o~ <br />'dtnn~ns~ra(c~ on all; <br />srrliniittcd silo plai~~s~ the; <br />ct~mukrlii~e tol~tl of huiklii~s~~; <br />'ri~ul la~zd.«xl~~e vohrnlE~' <br />t~atin~s un~f cirtriirre lro~ti~ ouch <br />inclii~idl~~r1 dercluPrtu?l~l <br />'pt•ojcc7 is cof~tj~h'In~r titi'ith, <br />'the uhcrall 'S'ite T~c~lr~nur~, <br />I ~I~utiu ~tctnacirda o~ C}rte tl1 <br />ADNia~1ISTKA 11U1V <br />RECOMII~NDATION: <br />1ldministration ream~uncnds -~ <br />that the }3C)C'C make an <br />:-ffirn~ativc~ finding on the ' <br />revised Design Solutiun~' <br />requiring the developer to' <br />adhere to a Site Volume Kano' <br />o}~ One (1) for tl~c entire <br />project and that. each site plan-~ <br />subu~iticd proposing the. <br />development of air approved. <br />land use shall provide the <br />neccssarti' data indicating... <br />compliance with. this- <br />standard. <br />