Orange County NC Website
!5 <br />ORDINANCE ZONING OFFICER <br />REQUIREMENT: RECOMMENDATION: <br />EDINAIVCE REQUIREINIFNT Section 7.5.4'-(c) <br />PLA-~VNING BOARD ( ADMINISTRATION <br />RECOM1ViENDATION: RECOA'IlVIENDATION: <br />As t(~ the adherence to PD or rencral rc~~ulations Ur as t~ dcsirible specific modilicatlons in Y1) or general rc~~ulations as <br />applied to the particular case. bascii on determination that such moditications are necessary nr justiiicd in the ptu-ticultu~ <br />case by demonstration that the public purposes of PD or other <br />sf NQ'I'E: 'Che applirtnt has proposed .fourteen (I~) Design Solutions scelhing to modify exisliug heneral <br />regulations as they titi~ould apply solely to this project. Mach proposed Design Solution is outlined below ~i-ith the:; <br />appropriate finding from all parties `~~~ <br />DFSI(_~N SOLL1`I'ION <br />ONP: <br />Ati outlined on page <br />f ittcen (1 ~) of~ the; <br />application rcadin~~ as <br />tollo~~ s: <br />`The uphlicun( <br />-~~ guests ii x~clir~~r %ra~~l <br />~S~.cliorz ?.~? nt'thc tsl)U <br />Z)r~s~~n ~~funuul <br />"1'hc applicant is <br />re~ucsting the ability to <br />allow for rnuhi-fanlily <br />residential development <br />within Districts 11 and 111 <br />ol~ the project. Currcatly, <br />nndii-lilmih~ residential <br />land uses toe not. listed <br />~~-ithin the L'conomic <br />L)c~~clupment Prinlarv <br />(i;D-P) zoning district, <br />~~hich the subject <br />property is currently <br />Stair rcci~nurlendcd approval. <br />as detailed b~~ the e ideuce <br />Fn~d t~stim~~n~~ ofiirrc~hy the:: <br />/,oning 0177cer as noted <br />~~°ithin the full application, the <br />3 "_ and. 1 '- notebooks' <br />provided to the Board. <br />- _ _ - __ _ _ <br />The Planning Board Administrltion rca~mmends <br />originally recommended ~ ihat the 13000' make an <br />denial of this Design ~ afiirpnatirc i~ndl7~f, on t~Iis <br />Solution at their May 21, Dcsi~~n Solution <br />2008 meeting by a Five (5) <br />to Four (4) vote. <br />.At ti~~rr i~u~ust 1 +, BOOR <br />~mceting, Board rnernberti! <br />asked for a re-analysis ol~ <br />ahis ilcnl due to rcriscd <br />'infnrmatiou concculint d~r.~ <br />'ability for these units to be~ <br />supported by local- <br />inGtretruc-tore (i.c. <br />«~alel~'sc~~~er) and based on; <br />clarilicatilui of sitili's' <br />ori~~inal comments and <br />rCL'OTIItnCnda17~1nS <br />concerningihis item <br />7~hc Board voted T~ive (~) to: <br />I~hrce (3) to recommcnd:~ <br />appro~Tal o(' the Dcsi~~n! <br />S.olutioz~ <br />