Orange County NC Website
l~~" <br />Section 7.~.~ (d) <br />Noted above <br />Sta17~ recrxnmended apprrwal <br />as detailed 1}r the evidence <br />and testunom~ c~li~rrd by the <br />lonin`,* ORicer as noted <br />lyidTin the mull application_ the <br />3 and l `` notcbrloks <br />provided to the 13r~~,rd. <br />At their May 21 and August <br />13, 2008 meetings the <br />Board voted Seven (7) to <br />Two (2) to recommend <br />denial based on the <br />following findings: <br />The project calls for the <br />creation of retail and hotel <br />jobs, but not the higher- <br />income employment jobs <br />anticipated by County <br />plans, and <br />The applicant and the <br />County's consultant have <br />submitted economic <br />analysis that assumes <br />sign cant sales tax and <br />real property tax revenues <br />would be generated by the <br />proposed development, but <br />this analysis is signijicantly <br />flawed insofar as it fails <br />adequately to assess costs <br />of public services, and <br />relies on inadequately <br />justified assumptions about <br />property tax values <br />extrapolated from other <br />locales <br />Administration rcennlmcnds <br />that tiTe ROCC make an <br />afl3rmati~c ltndin~~ on this <br />iteTn based ran the fbllo~~-ing: <br />(1) `hhe various rcpor~s b~~- <br />staff contained in <br />attachments: <br />I~,-1 ~l'ransportation <br />Improvement 1nalysis ('1'L'1) <br />Update (pa~~es ~~77-491) <br />F-1 l~uckhorn 1-:conomic <br />Dcvclopmcnt District Uiility_ <br />Ser~~icc 1~'atcr~5c4~~er, Master- <br />Planninu and Fifland rlrca <br />1;-10}~ oi~ ~9ebanc - Or;uT~~c; <br />~~DUnt}' ~CrVICC Af?CL'l'nll,)lt <br />fbr 13uckhorn LDI~ Urea <br />(pa~~cs 359-;7U) <br />P.-lb Plannin~~ F3oard May 7 <br />Buckhorn Villa~~c ~1~enda= <br />Packa`~r (pa~~cs 7 ~t9-~ 16) <br />1:-~a.t'1).%Sl_~t' lnalvsis, <br />ILcc-onuncndation and tacsi~m <br />Solrltions: Stall (pa~~cs 2t~5- <br />336) <br />t~-8 ~lnalvsis of Section 7.3 of~ <br />tflc (3rln~~c County /onini< <br />Ordinance Concernin~~ <br />Intensity Cfrtn~~ev (pages <br />;ti~_ti6it) <br />F-12 Kcsponsc iu 1Zcqucst from` <br />}'lannin~ t3oard Chair <br />Concernine Sian Sttuldards <br />1?-13 Letter from Applicant <br />Cunccrnin!~ }'roposcd <br />Revisirrn to Dcsi~rl Solutirm <br />Two (pa~,~cs b0~-608} <br />t~-14 Report 14 Concernin~~~' <br />Rational Basis }or Select ~~~:` <br />L'~istin~_ t; Dl) Pcrtin-mailcc' <br />Dcsi~~,n Standards (pa{acs (i09-'- <br />(i'0) <br />~~') Sl'C 1',CQIIOTIIII" <br />l~cvelopmcnt Commission <br />c+ldtlrscmcni letter of <br />13uckhorn Villa~~c and <br />consistency widr the L?DC` <br />St.rlfer~ic Plan. <br />I=,-8 t~coooniic 1)evelopmcnl' <br />Commission 13uckhorn" <br />Vi11a<~c Gndorscmcnt Letter` <br />(pages-.351-355) <br />