Orange County NC Website
~3 <br />ORDINANCE ZONING OFFiCEK rLA1ViVllVC,~ 1ivAK1) Al)1V111V1a11(AllVl~ <br />REQUIREMENT: RECOMI~~NDATION: RECOA~IlVIENDATION: RECOMIV~NDATION: <br />... ~.. .~ <br />()lrIITNANCE'RFQIJI77E~iFNT: Section 7.5.4 (c) <br />ns f~~ the adequacy of evidence on unified c:antrnl ~nld the suitahilit.}' of any proposed a~rccment _ contracts, deed; <br />restrictions. surciies; dedicatiims, contributions, ~uar~u~tecs, or other instruments. ar the need 1:or such instruments. or for <br />amendn~cnts in those proposed <br />__ <br />___ _ , _ _ _ _-r-_ <br />Sta}Y~ recommended appro~<i] At their i~tav 21, 2OQ8 <br />Section 7.5.4 (c) as detailed by the evidence Special mcetin~.. t_he {3oard <br />and testimony offered bti~ t1~e voted unauimousl~~ fo <br />/,oning Officer as noted accept staff`s <br />ti~~ithin the lull application_ the m-ci~mmendation and <br />". and } ~ `- notcbook5 fin~lin17 <br />provided to the. Board. . <br />ORl)1NANCIJ R~(~UTRI:i'1!t;tNT: Section 7.5.4. (d) <br />r1s to the sui}abilit~ of plans propc~scd or t}~c desirahil~it}' of amendments <br />Administratio~i recommends <br />that. fhe 13000 make an <br />affirmative tindin~ on fhi5_ <br />itcrn. <br />