Orange County NC Website
iz <br />ORDINANCE <br />REQUIltCMENT: <br />_... -- <br />()Ki?T',v:~NCF REt?><?TkE <br />ZONING OFFICER <br />RECOMN~NDATION: <br />ENT: Section 7 ~.4{t,) <br />YLAlV1VllVli I3VAIZU <br />RECOMII~NDATION: <br />AlllVlil~l l~J 11iLi 11V1r <br />RECOMIVVI~CNDATION: <br />;'1s to rclaticin to major nxrdsand nrrss transit. i<reilities_ utilities and oilier frrcilities and services; <br />~i) Relation to major <br />roads and mass <br />tr<ursit facilities <br />_ __ <br />iii) Relation to utilitic~ <br />and other facilities <br />and scn~iccs <br />Stain reconuncndcd -.:.approval <br />as detailed b~ the cvidertr.e. <br />and tes[i~nony ol7errd fey the <br />7,oning OI7 icer as noted <br />wi[hirr the full application. the <br />3 ", and I notebook; <br />provided to the Board. <br />Stall reeomrncnded approval..) <br />as detailed by the evidence <br />and testin~rom~ offered by the <br />boning Ofliccr as Hated <br />within the .full application, the-'' <br />3 `' and 1 notebooks <br />proeidcci io ihc. Board. <br />At their May 21 and August <br />13, 2008 meetings the <br />Board voted Five (5) to <br />Three (3) to recommend <br />denial based on the <br />following fmdings: <br />The transportation analysis <br />fails to adequately address <br />issues related to weekend <br />travel patterns, issues <br />related to County residents' <br />travel to the project <br />property, and insufficiently <br />addresses issues that would <br />arise in the event that NC <br />'DOT fails to fund necessary <br />improvements in I-40 and <br />Buckhorn Road <br />At their May 21 and August <br />13, 2008 meetings the <br />Board voted Seven (7) to <br />Two (2) to recommend <br />denial based on the <br />following findings: <br />There is insufficient <br />information on how the <br />demands of the project <br />would affect future <br />availability of water and <br />sewer in the Ejland area <br />and other nearby locales <br />Administratir~n rccornrncnds <br />chat the [3000 make <u~ <br />affinnafivc findiri~~~ on this <br />item based on the following. <br />(I) "1'hc various repi~ris b <br />staff contained in <br />a.ttachmcnts: <br />F- I 1'rmsportation <br />Improvement ~1nal~sis ("TlA1 <br />Update (pa~Tc~ 17?-49-1) <br />I)-1 Plam~ing in Cheela <br />Township: T?iland-TVtebanc;: <br />Vicinity (pages 135-1.131 <br />Administration rccomrncnds <br />lhat the 13000` make an <br />:2i#irmativc findin~~ ran this <br />item based on the i~~llo~ti~ing: <br />(1) `Ihc various reports by <br />staff contained in <br />att<~chmenis: <br />T'-4 I3uckhorn l~:conomic. <br />Development llisirict Utility <br />Service-l1'ater/Sewer, 147,raer <br />Planning and. Efland ,1rea <br />( i~~cs ti? 3-5~5) <br />P~ .- <br />I-10 Cite of ~titcbane Or~nrgc <br />County Service A`~reemcnt <br />f or I3 uckhom t: Ull Area <br />(Pages 35y-3711} <br />D-1 Plannin~.~ in Cheeks <br />To~i~nship: Lfl~urd-,'~tcbauc <br />Virinii~ (Pa<<cs 13R-143j <br />1'-10 It4emo from R~liehclle. <br />Kcmpinski Kegarding <br />13uckhom Village Pianacil <br />llevclopmcni Consistency <br />~4~ith Hoard of County, <br />Ccrnurrissioncrs Planning <br />Principles and F'.Iland-; <br />Mebane Small Area Plan; <br />Staff Respcurses (Pa!~,es ~ 1- <br />X74) <br />