Orange County NC Website
r~ <br />(iii) I:clation of the <br />proposed <br />devcloPrncnt to <br />surnn~ndin~~ arc;~s <br />and c~is(ing and <br />probable fnturc <br />development <br />Staff recommended approval <br />as detailed by the evidence <br />~n~d tcsliutonv o1i~.rcd b5 Ilie <br />lonin~~ C)1licer as noted <br />within ~ihi: full application_ the <br />and 1 nolchuc_,ks <br />provided iu the Board. <br />At their May 21_and August Administration rccnnimcnds <br />13, 2008 meetings the _ that tlrc I30CC rr~~ilce an <br />Board voted Five (5) to : afdirmative linding on this <br />Three (3) to recommend = basal on the following: <br />denial based on tha ~~~ The v~rrious reports by <br />following findings: Sta1f~ contained in <br />The project is not consistent <br />with other nearby existing <br />development (existing <br />residential areas) and goals <br />and recommendations of <br />the Efland-Mebane Small <br />Area Plan and <br />The project does not <br />involve the creation of a <br />development with the range <br />of uses (i.e. manufacturing <br />and industrial) as <br />anticipated- by the EDD <br />Design Manual for the <br />specified area, but involves <br />primarily retail ~ trades, <br />hotels and services <br />altachmenis: <br />D-1 Plannin<,_ in Cheeks <br />To~~ nsliip: I?tlandf fVlcbanc _' <br />Vicinit}'; SfaCf (pay=cs 136- <br />143} <br />[?-13 l~alan~{-Mebane Snr<ill ; <br />Area Plan Information (Staff'. <br />Kcsponscs to c-mail inyrury <br />sent by Pl,~rrnin~a, Baard <br />men~tber A~lichelle Kempitrski <br />on May `). 30l)~) ~Pa.~eti ~8I` <br />3h4) <br />1'-3 Buckhbrn Villa!~c Pnrjcct <br />CoI1515tCnC1 ~ \i'1L1r <br />Surrounding Devcloprncnt <br />(pa~,es i l l -~ l Z j <br />l'-7 13uckhorn 1'illa~~e Penltittt:d <br />lJscs Comparison (pa~~es <br />}37->~4} <br />F-R Anal~:;is of Section ?.3 0l' <br />the l)ran~~c County 7.onin<~ <br />Ordinance Conccrnin<~ <br />Intensity Changes (pa~cs <br />Sti_S{;U) <br />}'-10 l~lcmo from. IV'lichcllc <br />Kcrnpinski lteg~n cline <br />E3uckhorn Villa~~e Planned <br />Development. Consistc>rcy <br />with Board of County <br />Curnmissioner;; L'l~rnrung <br />Principles surd f?17and <br />h~lebanc Small. Aria Plane <br />