Orange County NC Website
Timeline <br />WC Breeze Family Farm Extension & Research Center <br />2004 Colonel Breeze donates 169 acres and a $860,000 <br /> charitable remainder trust to NC Ag Foundation <br />2005 Breeze Farm and Woods Farm recombined to 270 acres <br />2006 April 7 NCSU CALS Dean Johnny Wynne dedicates the Center and <br /> requests that Orange County develop a conceptual plan <br />2006 April to October Interagency effort led by Orange County Cooperative <br /> Extension develops conceptual plan for Breeze Farm <br />2006 October 5 Joint meeting of CALS and Orange County administrators & <br /> staff to discuss conceptual plan; Consensus to pursue <br /> conceptual plan with a small planning committee with 2 <br /> additional CALS appointed staff <br />2006 November Breeze Farm Committee begins planning process <br />2007 January 18 Farm walkabouts with CALS Extension Specialists for input <br /> February 8 to Master Plan <br />2007 September Draft Master Plan completed <br />2008 January & PLANT @ Breeze Farm Enterprise Incubator Workshop <br /> February Series <br />2008 April to PLANT 2008 Apprentices grow on ~4 acres <br /> December <br />2008 September 25 CEFS workshop: How to Build Permanent Fences <br />2008 October 9 CEFS workshop: Season Extension & Hoophouse <br /> Production <br />